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ug-senate:order:start [2013/11/18 22:25]
ug-senate:order:start [2013/11/19 01:50] (current)
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 ===== The Rules of Order of the Undergraduate Senate ===== ===== The Rules of Order of the Undergraduate Senate =====
 === History of the Rules of Order === === History of the Rules of Order ===
 Fall 2010: Created by the 12th Undergraduate Senate. Fall 2010: Created by the 12th Undergraduate Senate.
-=== Rules of Order 1: Order of Business ​=== +  * [[ug-senate:​order1|Rules of Order 1: Order of Business]] 
-The order of business for each meeting of the Undergraduate Senate ​and its constituent committees and sub-committeesexcept when otherwise specifiedshall be as follows: +  * [[ug-senate:​order2|Rule ​of Order 2: Definition ​and Form of MotionsBillsResolutions,​ and Orders]] 
- +  * [[ug-senate:​order3|Rule of Order 3: Authors and Sponsors]] 
-   ​Call to Order +  * [[ug-senate:​order4|Rule ​of Order 4: Assignment ​of the Floor]] 
-   ​Roll Call +  * [[ug-senate:​order6|Rule ​of Order 6: Yielding ​the Floor]] 
-   - Approval ​of the Minutes ​of the Previous Meeting +  * [[ug-senate:​order7|Rule ​of Order 7: Acceptance ​of Modifications to a Motion]] 
-   ​Acceptance ​of the Orders of the Day and Action Calendar +  * [[ug-senate:​order8|Rule ​of Order 8: Division of a Resolution or Order]] 
-   ​Old Business +  * [[ug-senate:​order9|Rule ​of Order 9: Division of a Bill]] 
-   - Open Forum +  * [[ug-senate:​order10|Rule ​of Order 10: Special Fee Requests]] 
-   - Report ​of the Executive ​of the Association +  * [[ug-senate:​order11|Rule ​of Order 11: Methods of Voting]] 
-   ​Report ​of the Financial Manager +  * [[ug-senate:​order12|Rule ​of Order 12: Conflicts ​of Interest]] 
-   ​Reports ​of Association Committees and Departments +  ​* [[ug-senate:​order13|Rule ​of Order 13: Appeal from the Decision ​of the Presiding Officer]] 
-   ​Report ​of the Presiding Officer +  * [[ug-senate:​order14|Rule ​of Order 14: Amendment]] 
-   ​Report ​of the Deputy Chair +  ​* [[ug-senate:​order15|Rule ​of Order 15: Motion ​to Reconsider]] 
-   ​Report ​of the US Committees  +  * [[ug-senate:​order16|Rule ​of Order 16: Previous Notice]] 
-   - New Business  +  * [[ug-senate:​order17|Rule ​of Order 17: Suspension ​of the Rules of Order of the Undergraduate Senate]] 
-   - Final Comments  +  * [[ug-senate:​order18|Rule of Order 18: Motion ​to Recess]] 
-   - Adjournment +  * [[ug-senate:​order19|Rule of Order 19: Effective Communication during Meetings]] 
- +  * [[ug-senate:​order20|Rule ​of Order 20: Rules of Order Not Explicitly Mentioned]]
-Items 7, 8, 9 and 12 shall be omitted for meetings ​of the committees and sub-committees of the  +
-Undergraduate Senate.  +
- +
-A. Explanations of Items\\ ​  +
-Reports should be made by the head of a Department or the chair of a Committee, or a member ​of the Department or Committee designated by the chair or head of the body. Written summaries of Oral reports shall be included in the agenda packets, if available before the meeting. The Presiding Officer ​shall entertain questions from the members of the Undergraduate Senate and direct them to the individual making the report after each written and/or oral report has been concluded.\\ ​  +
-\\  +
-Any member ​of the Undergraduate Senate may, at any time at least one minute after the beginning of an oral report, interrupt the speaker and call for an ending of the report and questioning. If this motion passes, then the next item of business in the Orders of the Day shall be considered. No action items shall be considered at this time, unless otherwise specifically provided for in these Rules.\\  ​ +
-\\  +
-All original main motions shall be considered action items. Action items shall be considered in the order presented in the Action Calendar.\\ ​  +
-\\  +
-For meetings ​of the Undergraduate Senate, in the event that the Chair of the Senate is unable ​to be present at a meeting ​of the Undergraduate Senate, the Deputy Chair of the Senate shall act as Presiding Officer. In the event that neither the Chair nor the Deputy Chair, another member of the Executive Committee shall act as Presiding Officer.\\ ​  +
-\\  +
-For meetings of committees and sub-committees ​of the Undergraduate Senate, in the event that the Chair of the committee is unable to be present at a meeting, the Deputy Chair of the Committee shall act as Presiding Officer for meetings of committees and sub-committees ​of the Undergraduate Senate. In the event that neither the Chair nor the Deputy Chair, the Chair of the Senate or Deputy Chair shall act as Presiding Officer.\\ ​  +
- +
- Call to Order\\  +
-At the time the meeting is scheduled ​to begin, the Presiding Officer shall call the meeting to order.\\ +
-\\    +
-Roll Call\\  +
-At each meeting, the Presiding Officer shall call the roll to determine which members ​of the Undergraduate Senate/​committee are present and which are absent. It is the duty of any member arriving after the roll call to alert the Presiding Officer of their presence.\\  +
-  +
- +
-  +
ug-senate/order/start.txt · Last modified: 2013/11/19 01:50 by assu-editor