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Rule of Order 11: Methods of Voting

  1. The normal method of voting is by voice.
  2. Unless otherwise specified in the Constitution, the Association By-Laws, the US By-Laws, or these Rules, passage requirements shall apply to the Undergraduate Senate as a whole.
  3. A hand vote is a vote by a show of hands where the number of yea, nays, and abstentions are counted and recorded. The Presiding Officer can order a hand vote. Any voting member of the Undergraduate Senate can request a hand vote, and the support of another voting member of the Undergraduate Senate shall order the hand vote.
  4. In a roll call vote the Presiding Officer calls each voting member's name. Each voting member of the Undergraduate Senate, as their name is called, responds in the affirmative, negative, abstains, or passes. At the conclusion of the roll call the Presiding Officer calls the names of those who passed. Each of these voting members of an Association legislative body, as their name is called, responds in the affirmative, negative, or abstains. Any voting member of the Undergraduate Senate can request a roll call vote, and the support of 2 additional voting members of the Undergraduate Senate shall order the roll call vote.
  5. After the previous question has been ordered and before the question is put to a voice vote, any voting member of an Association legislative body, without seeking recognition, can request a hand vote or a roll call vote.
  6. After a voice vote has been taken and before the result has been announced, the Presiding Officer can order a hand vote.
  7. After a vote has been announced and before the Presiding Officer has stated the question on another motion, any voting member of an Association legislative body, without seeking recognition, may request a roll call vote if the previous vote had been a hand or voice vote, or may request a hand vote if the previous vote had been a voice vote.
  8. If a request has been made for a hand vote or a roll call vote, the Presiding Officer shall immediately determine whether the Undergraduate Senate want to order such a vote. A request for a roll call vote takes precedence over a request for a hand vote.
  9. Unless otherwise provided in the Constitution, the Association By-Laws, the US By-Laws, or these Rules, no motion which according to parliamentary authority requires for passage a majority vote if previous notice was given, but 2/3 otherwise, shall be passed except by a vote of at least 2/3.
ug-senate/order11.txt · Last modified: 2013/11/19 03:06 by assu-editor