This is an old revision of the document!
The Undergraduate Senate shall serve the interests and advocate on behalf of the undergraduate population.
A. The US shall refer to the Undergraduate Senate
B. The undergraduate population shall be all members of the Association in undergraduate programs.
The US Policies shall contain the details of the organizational structure of the US. They shall contain information sufficiently important to require some form of US approval to change, but sufficiently malleable that the rigidity of the US By-Laws modification procedure would be inappropriate.
The US Policies shall govern in all cases where they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution, the Association By-Laws, these By-Laws, or the Association Policies.
The US Policies shall be included as an Appendix to these By-Laws.
The US Policies may be modified by a majority vote of the US.
The Chair (or her/his designee) shall be responsible for ensuring that the meetings are run in a fair and efficient manner. The members of the US may overrule any particular decision of the Chair (or her/his designee) in this regard by majority vote.