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Appendix IV: Statements of Purpose of the Undergraduate General Fees

Section 1: General

These policies are simply a listing of the statements of purpose of the Undergraduate General Fees. As per Article V, Section 1, Subsection B.2 of the Association Constitution, the statement of purpose of each General Fee may only be amended by a vote of 2/3 of the undergraduate population, and if those in favor make up 15 percent of the undergraduate population. The statements are listed here solely for reference purposes.

Section 2: Statements of Purpose

A. Programming and Community Service General Fee

Levied on the undergraduate population, it shall fund the basic operating, programming, and community service expenses of student organizations with a substantial undergraduate membership, except for student publications and for organizations receiving Special Fees.

B. Publications General Fee

Levied on the undergraduate population, it shall fund the basic operation and publishing expenses of member publications with a substantial undergraduate membership, that do not receive Special Fees.

ug-senate/appxiv.txt · Last modified: 2013/11/22 03:26 by assu-editor