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Appendix III: Online Meetings Policies

Section 1: Spirit of an Online Meeting

The online meeting is to be used as a means to resolve any issue that has arisen unexpectedly in a short timeline. The purpose of an online meeting is not to discuss contentious issues. All other means, including a physical meeting, must be considered before calling an online meeting. All rules that apply to actual meetings should apply to online meetings, such as giving 72 hours public notice and providing previous notice for all bills.

Section 2: Protocol for Online Meetings

  1. Chair calls meeting to order.
  2. Roll Call
  3. Chair asks for acceptance of the agenda.
  4. Chair must remind participants that excessive discussion is not encouraged and that any motions to table will be honored. Only questions of clarification will be accepted.
  5. Chair recognizes presenter of bill.
  6. Chair opens floor for questions of clarification.
  7. Chair asks if there are any motions to table.
  8. Vote is taken for presented bill.
ug-senate/appxiii.txt · Last modified: 2013/11/22 01:24 by assu-editor