A member assigned the floor may yield all or a portion of her/his time to another member. The member yielded to shall not make any motion except for requests and inquiries, points of order, and questions of privilege, and shall not yield to any other individual.
A member may interrupt a person who has the floor and request her/him to yield the floor for a specific purpose. The person who has the floor may refuse to yield. A request to yield then floor shall be in order only for the purposes of making a comment on or of asking the yielder a question relating to her/his contribution to debate.
A member assigned the floor may yield all or a portion of her/his time to any individual, provided that the intent of the yielding is to solicit relevant factual information that may best be presented in this manner.
jbl/order/rule6.txt · Last modified: 2013/11/19 02:48 by assu-editor