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Rule of Order 12: Conflicts of Interest

  1. On any vote a member of an Association legislative body may notify the Presiding Officer that a conflict of interest exists which could be seen as affecting the member's ability to vote on the issue in question. In such instances, the member in question is strongly encouraged not to vote.
  2. Any member of an Association legislative body with a conflict of interest may, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, demand division of a bill in order to ensure her/his ability to vote of the portion of the bill for which no conflict of interest exists (cf. Rule of Order ).
  3. On any vote of appointment or certification to an office for which a member of an Association legislative body was a candidate, a conflict of interest shall be assumed to exist.
  4. On any vote apportioning funds to a student organization for which a member of an Association legislative body is an officer, a conflict of interest shall be assumed to exist.
jbl/order/rule12.txt · Last modified: 2013/11/19 03:02 by assu-editor