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Rules of Order 1: Order of Business

The order of business for each joint meeting of the Association legislative bodies, except when otherwise specified, shall be as follows:

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting
  4. Acceptance of the Orders of the Day and Action Calendar
  5. Open Forum
  6. Reports of Association Committees and Departments
  7. Report of the Executive Committee
  8. Report of the Financial Manager
  9. Action Items of Association Committees and Departments
  10. Action Items of the Executive Committee
  11. Action Items of the Financial Manager
  12. Old Business
  13. New Business
  14. Final Comments
  15. Adjournment

A. Explanations of Items

Reports should be made by the head of a Department or the chair of a Committee,or a member of the Department or Committee designated by her/him. Written reports shall be included in the agenda packets. Oral reports shall be confined to matters arising since the writing of the written report, changes in procedure or administration, and important issues currently under consideration. The Presiding Officer shall entertain questions from the members of the Association legislative bodies and direct them to the individual making the report after each written and/or oral report has been concluded. Any member of an Association legislative body may, at any time at least one minute after the beginning of an oral report, interrupt the speaker and call for an ending of the report by moving the previous question. If this motion passes, then the questioning period shall immediately commence. Any member of the Association legislative bodies may, at any time at least one minute after the beginning of the questioning period, interrupt the speaker and call for an ending of the questioning period by moving the previous question. If this motion passes, then the next item of business in the Orders of the Day shall be considered. no action items shall be considered at this time, unless otherwise specifically provided for in these Rules. All original main motions shall be considered action items. Action items shall be considered in the order presented in the Action Calendar.

1. Call to Order
At the time the meeting is scheduled to begin, the Presiding Officer, or in her/his absence any member of the Executive Committee, shall call the meeting to order.

2. Roll Call
At each meeting the Presiding Officer shall call the roll to determine which members of each Association legislative body are present and which absent. It is the duty of any member arriving after the roll call to inform the Presiding Officer of her/his presence.

3. Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Any joint meeting minutes which were not approved at the separate meetings of the Association legislative bodies shall be presented for approval. Any corrections shall be incorporated into the minutes of the current meeting.

4. Acceptance of the Orders of the Day and Action Calendar
Before each meeting the Presiding Officer shall prepare a tentative order of business, as well as a Calendar of Action items for which joint approval of the Association legislative bodies is sought. This Action Calendar shall enumerate the main motions that appear in appropriate written form in the agenda packet. The entries shall be arranged in the order that they will be considered during the meeting, and each entry shall specify its originator and the vote required for approval. These must be accepted as is, or as amended, by the Association legislative bodies before it can proceed with any other business except an adjournment due to lack of a quorum.

5. Open Forum
Any member of the Stanford Community may address the Association legislative bodies on a topic of her/his choice. Any written materials shall be distributed via the agenda packet. No speaker may address the Association legislative bodies for more than 3 minutes. After this address the Presiding Officer shall entertain questions from the Association legislative bodies and direct them to the speaker for a period not to exceed 3 minutes.
The Presiding Officer shall schedule all speakers, with absolute priority given to individuals who are not members of an Association legislative body as provided for in these Rules. No more than 5 speakers shall be scheduled for any given meeting without the consent of the Executive Committee.

6. Reports of the Association Committees and Departments
Each Department Head or Chair of an Association Committee may, at this time, report to the Association legislative bodies on any matter within the charge of that Department/Committee. The Department Head/Committee Chair reporting shall, during the time of her/his report, be granted the rightsand privileges of an ex-officio member of an Association legislative body.

7. Report of the Executive Committee
The President shall report to the Association legislative bodies on the status of joint Association issues, and any other matter brought to the attention of the Executive Committee. The President may assign any or all of this reporting time to any other member(s) of the Executive Committee.

8. Report of the Financial Manager
The Financial Manager shall report to the Association legislative bodies on matters concerning the general finances of the Association, the operation of the Business Projects, the Students' Organizations Fund, and any other matter charged to her/him.

9. Action Items of Association Committees and Departments
Each Department Head or Chair of an Association Committee which had previously reported during the meeting may, at this time, request of the Association legislative bodies approval of any action item properly within the charge of that Department/Committee. No action item shall require a second. The Department Head/Committee Chair shall, during the time of consideration of her/his action item, be granted the rights and privileges of an ex-officio member of an Association legislative body.

10. Action Items of the Executive Committee

11. Action Items of the Financial Manager

12. Old Business
Any action item that was under consideration at the previous meeting when it adjourned, and any action item scheduled to be considered at the previous meeting but not considered before adjourning, shall be considered Old Business.

13. New Business
Any action item included under this heading when the Action Calendar was accepted, and any action item not appearing on the Action Calendar introduced by any member shall be considered New Business.

14. Final Comments
No action items shall be in order at this time. The Presiding Officer may recognize members of the Association legislative bodies to speak on any topic of their choice. No member of an Association legislative body may speak more than twice, nor for longer than 2 minutes each time.

15. Adjournment

jbl/order/rule1.txt · Last modified: 2013/11/19 21:57 by assu-editor