Quorum for joint meetings of the Association legislative bodies shall consist of a majority of the non-vacant seats of each body.
The Vice President of the Association shall be the Presiding Officer of all joint meetings of the Association legislative bodies.
The Rules of Order of the Association Legislative Bodies shall govern the proceedings of all joint meetings.
Unless otherwise stated in the Constitution or these By-Laws, all votes at joint meetings of the Association legislative bodies shall be taken by the Association legislative bodies as a whole. However, upon the request of any member of either Association legislative body, an item of business must be approved by each Association legislative body voting separately in order to be approved.
The US and the GSC shall jointly have the power to create joint legislative committees for specific purposes, to vest in them all appropriate powers of the US and the GSC, to determine their composition, and to designate the chair of each. All substantive actions of a joint legislative committee shall take the form of recommendations to the US and the GSC, except as otherwise provided herein.