Unless otherwise specified in the Constitution or these By-Laws, for approval requirements the relevant Association legislative bodies shall be:
Registered students of Stanford University shall be defined to include all students of Stanford University who possess a valid Certificate of Registration for the current quarter, provided that a student who possesses such a registration for three consecutive quarters and who intends to register again after a lapse of one quarter shall be deemed a registered student for the intervening quarter. Only students with a valid Certificate of Registration or Terminal Graduate Registration for the current quarter shall be eligible to vote. Post-doctoral scholars shall not be considered members of the Association
The first day of the quarter shall be defined as the first day of registration. In counting days from the opening of the quarter, all days, including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, shall be included.
The last day of the quarter shall be defined as the last day on which final examinations shall be scheduled. In counting days from the end of the quarter, all days, including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, shall be included.
In undertaking any authority granted to it by the Constitution of the Associated Students of Stanford University, these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, or the GSC By-Laws, the US, the GSC, the Presidency, the Constitutional Council, and all other Agencies, Service Organizations, and Committees of the Association, shall not discriminate against any individual or organization on account of race, gender, religion, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, or physical or mental disability.
Unless otherwise stated in the Constitution of these By-Laws, these By-Laws shall take precedence over the US By-Laws and the GSC By-Laws.
The Association Policies shall be the details of the organizational structure and specification of any joint Association entity. They shall contain information sufficiently important to require some form of joint US/GSC approval to change, but sufficiently malleable that the rigidity of the By-Laws modification procedure would be inappropriate. The Association Policies shall govern in all cases where they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution and these By- Laws. The Association Policies shall be set forth in a series of Appendices to these By- Laws, each containing the policies for a separate administrative subunit of the Association.
The minimum content of the Association Policies shall be contained in the section of these By-Laws pertaining to the relevant Association entities.
Association Rules of Order shall be the written rules of parliamentary procedure adopted by any joint Association entity. Examples of such entities include, but are not limited to the Executive branch, the Constitutional Council, the joint meetings of the Association legislative bodies, and joint Service Organizations. These Rules of Order shall govern their respective bodies in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution, these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, or the GSC By-Laws.
Except as explicitly noted elsewhere, all of the usual guidelines shall be assumed to apply in the situations that they describe, even if not explicitly invoked in the governing documents in which those situations arise.