The following policies shall be determined by the Board of Directors of Stanford Student Enterprises, or its designee(s):
A specification of the range of financial assets in which the Association's funds, and the funds of student organizations on deposit with the Students' Organizations Fund, may be invested, and the distribution of funds across such assets.
A specification of the maximum amount that may be loaned to any one organization, the maximum amount of such loans that may be outstanding at any one time, and the interest rates of such loans.
A specification of the types of accounts available to student organizations through the Students' Organizations Fund, as well as the terms and the rate of interest for each type of account.
A specification of the degree to which income from various sources shall be considered expendable, including but not limited to the payout rate for the Operating Budget. This policy shall provide for such reinvestment of income as is required for the long-term financial soundness of the Association.
A specification of the method used to calculate the payout rate for the Operating Budget.
A specification of the method of calculation of indirect cost charges against the various non-business sectors of the association, including an explanation for that method and a description of services provided by these charges.
A specification of the levels of reserve funds required for financial soundness by Stanford Student Enterprises.
A specification of what information held by Stanford Student Enterprises may be considered proprietary. Proprietary information shall be available to the President or any member of the Association legislative bodies upon request, but may not be more widely released without the consent of the Board of Directors or its designee.
Copies of the policies specified above, as well as annual budgets indicating the overall revenues and expenses of individual business projects and the amount contributed by Stanford Student Enterprises to the Association endowment, shall be provided by the Board of Directors of Stanford Student Enterprises (or its designee) to the President or any member of the Association legislative bodies upon request. Any proprietary business information or employee information contained within these policies or budgets may not be more widely released without the consent of the Board of Directors or its designee.
Each year during the Autumn Quarter, the Financial Manager shall publish the texts of the policies specified above, and shall distribute copies to the Association legislative bodies.
jbl/appxii.txt · Last modified: 2013/04/07 17:44 by lmiller2