Unless otherwise specified in the Constitution, the Association By-Laws, or these By-Laws, all allocations of funds shall be made by consensus of the GSC members.
All meetings at which consensus funding allocations are made must have at least 1/3 of the voting members of the GSC present.
Officers and/or representatives of a GSO present at a GSC meeting shall not be included in the consensus required to approve funding allocations for that organization.
Decisions involving funds must be made publicly available within one week of the GSC meeting at which they were made.
Unless otherwise specified in the Constitution, the Association By-Laws, or these By-Laws, the voting members of the GSC may, by a majority vote, override any allocation of funds made by consensus. This may only take place at the first GSC meeting after the minutes of the meeting at which the initial consensus allocation occurred are made publicly available.
The allocated funds shall not be drawn upon until the override period has elapsed. During this period, the organization receiving the allocation spends money at its own risk.
B. All allocations of funds over $250 shall require explicit approval in the minutes of the GSC.
C. Transfers of funds from a group's reserve account to its operating account shall be done by the Usual Method for Approving Allocations.
D. Schedule
The fractions of the base amount of the GSGF and Special Fees collected in each quarter shall be specified in the Funding Policies of the GSC.
Allocations shall be made on a rolling basis. Funds may be made available for the remainder of the current quarter, for subsequent quarters, or for the remainder of a fiscal year.
E. Funding Committee
The Funding Committee shall review funding and Special Fee requests from all Graduate Student Organizations, and present a recommendation on each to the GSC.
The Funding Committee shall consist of a subset of the members of the GSC, chosen by consensus.
A member of the Funding Committee may be removed by a 2/3 vote of the GSC.
No member of the Funding Committee shall formulate a recommendation for a request from a GSO of which s/he is a member.
The procedure for formulation and review of requests shall be specified in the GSC Funding Policies.
The Chair of the Funding Committee shall be chosen by the Funding Committee.
Section 2: Graduate Student General Fee
A. General
The GSGF shall refer to the Graduate Student General Fee.
The purpose of the GSGF shall be to fund the basic operating and programming expenses of graduate student organizations, as well as the inhouse programming of the GSC.
The index of inflation that shall be used to calculate the annual increase in the base amount of the GSGF is the Consumer Price Index.
The overall budget of the GSGF for the current year shall be published in each year's Elections Handbook.
Elected and appointed officers and staff members of the Association may inspect and make public the financial records of any GSO receiving funds from the GSGF, except as specified in the Constitution, the Association By-Laws and Policies, or these By-Laws.
B. Partitioning of GSGF
The GSGF shall be partitioned into two sections before the beginning of the fiscal year. The first shall be called the GSO partition, and the second shall be called the GSC partition.
Transfers of funds across the partition
Transfers of funds from the GSC partition to the GSO partition shall be made by the Usual Method for Approving Allocations.
Transfers from the GSO partition to the GSC partition
Funds not allocated from the GSO partition during the quarter that they were initially available shall roll over to the following quarter, with the provision that of the total funds available that quarter, they shall be allocated first.
Funds that have rolled over to a subsequent quarter once, and which remained unallocated by the end of that subsequent quarter, shall automatically revert to the GSC section of the GSGF.
C. GSO Partition
The GSO partition shall be used for allocation to graduate student organizations.
Operations and programming funding by the GSGF shall pursue some of the following goals:
Provide a broader educational and cultural experience for graduate students.
Enhance interdepartmental social interaction among graduate students.
Strengthen the campus-wide sense of community among graduate students.
Make the graduate school experience more valuable and enjoyable for all graduate students.
Graduate Student Organizations seeking funds from the GSGF shall submit a funding request to the Funding Committee.
Graduate Student Organizations seeking funds from the GSGF shall have the right to send a representative to any GSC or Funding Committee meeting at which their funding allocations are discussed.
No funds from the GSO partition may be allocated to a group that is not a Voluntary Student Organization registered with the Office of Student Activities.
No funds from the GSO partition may be allocated to a student organization that is not a graduate student organization.
No funds from the GSO partition may be allocated to a group that receives funds from a Special Fee levied, in whole or in part, on the graduate population.
The GSC reserves the right to cancel or suspend an allocation if its funds are not being used within the specifications of the allocation. Notice shall be given to the organization receiving the allocation before funds are made unavailable to it.
Modifications of the specifications of an allocation, excluding the total amount allocated, may be made at the discretion of the financial officer or by the consensus of the GSC. Modifications of the total amount may be made by the Usual Method for Approving Allocations.
The total amount allocated to each Graduate Student Organization, and a summary of the budget associated with the allocation, shall be published in the next Elections Handbook.
D. GSC Partition
The GSC shall prepare an annual budget for the GSC partition, to be called the GSC partition budget, at or before the beginning of the fiscal year.
Modifications to the GSC programming budget may only be made by the Usual Method for Approving Allocations.
The GSC partition budget for the current year shall be published in each year's Elections Handbook.
gsc/iii.txt · Last modified: 2013/11/25 00:20 by assu-editor