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Appendix III: E-mail Policies

Section 1: General

A. The GSC shall have the following e-mail lists and e-mail alias:

  1. distribution list: reaching the graduate student population.
  2. announce list: reaching all students interested in GSC activities and meetings.
  3. e-mail alias: gsc@assu (reaching the secretary), gsc-chair@assu (reaching the chair), gsc-fo@assu (reaching the financial officer), and gsc-fc@assu (reaching the funding committee chair).

B. The GSC shall nominate an E-mail Coordinator to manage and update the GSC mailing lists. The E-mail Coordinator shall manage the membership of the lists, and the recipients of the alias.

Section 2: Distribution List

A. The GSC shall maintain an e-mail list that reaches as much of the graduate population as possible, subject to constraints of University email usage policies, policies of any sub-lists, and courtesy to those who may receive multiple copies due to overlapping sub-lists.
B. The GSC Chair, the E-mail Coordinator, and any others approved by the GSC shall have exclusive rights to administer the distribution list and send e-mails.
C. The distribution list shall reside on a mail server owned by the GSC.
D. The GSC general list shall be used to provide information that is time-sensitive and potentially useful to any given student from a large sub-set of the graduate population. “Useful” in this case means that the information could enhance student's quality of life, or help students participate in the graduate community life. Examples of appropriate uses include announcements for:

  1. University housing deadlines
  2. ASSU elections
  3. University committee openings
  4. Social events promoted by the GSC or GSPB that target the entire graduate population
  5. Significant GSC projects or advocacy efforts

E. At a GSC meeting, or in a prior email to GSC members, the E-mail Coordinator shall review items to be posted to the list. Members may propose items for inclusion, which shall be approved by the E-mail Coordinator, the GSC Chair, or the GSC. The E-mail Coordinator shall attempt to consolidate announcements in order to reduce posting frequency.

Section 3: Announce List

A. The announce list is the formal mechanism to advertise GSC meeting times and agenda, funding committee meetings, and to publicize GSC decisions or events. The GSC officers shall have exclusive rights to post to the list.
B. Any graduate student shall be added to the Announce list upon request.

Section 4: E-mail Alias

A. The GSC shall maintain e-mail alias for the chair, financial officer, and funding committee chair of the GSC. The GSC shall create other e-mail alias as deemed appropriate.
B. The gsc@assu alias will be the general e-mail address to contact the GSC and shall be received by the Secretary. The GSC Secretary shall forward the e-mail to the relevant members with copy to the GSC Chair.

gsc/appxiii.txt · Last modified: 2013/11/24 23:09 by assu-editor