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Article III: Executive Branch

Section 1. The President and Vice President

  1. The President of the Association shall be the chief executive of the Association.
  2. The Vice President of the Association shall assist the President of the Association in carrying out the will of the Association.

Section 2. Qualifications

  1. The President and Vice President shall be, at the time of their election and during their continuance in office, members of the Association. Neither may simultaneously be an elected member of an Association legislative body.
  2. Should the President become incapacitated, resign, or otherwise be removed from office, the Vice President shall assume the role of President of the Association. The President shall then appoint a member of the Association to be Vice President. This appointment must be approved by a two-thirds vote of each Association legislative body.
  3. If both the President and Vice President lose office due to reasons other than the election of a new President and Vice President, the Association legislative bodies shall, within 14 days, call a general election to choose another President and Vice President. The Association legislative bodies shall, by a joint majority vote, choose a member of either Association legislative body to serve as Acting President in the interim.

Section 3. Election

  1. Candidates for the positions of President and Vice President of the Association shall run for the positions in two-person slates. Each Member of the Association shall cast one vote for the President-Vice President slate of his or her choice.
  2. Provisions for nominations shall be specified in the Association By-Laws. In all cases, each slate of candidates shall include exactly two members, with one candidate specifically designated as the candidate for President and the other specifically designated as the candidate for Vice President. In no case may a single member of the Association simultaneously run for election as a member of two slates. Each slate shall be identified by the first and last name of its candidate for President.
  3. The President and the Vice President shall be elected by a majority of the Association voting in the Association Spring Quarter General Election.
  4. Should no slate of candidates receive a majority of the votes in the Association Spring Quarter General Election, the winner will be decided by the standard “Instant Runoff Voting” procedure.
  5. No member of the Association who has served previously as President of the Association for longer than four months shall be eligible to run for that office.
  6. The terms of the President and Vice President of the Association shall end at a date specified in the Association By-Laws or 14 days before the end of the spring quarter after the Association has elected another President and Vice President of the Association.
  7. The President and/or Vice President of the Association may be removed by a four-fifths vote of each Association legislative body.

Section 4. Executive Committee

  1. There shall exist an Executive Committee of the Association. The Executive Committee shall coordinate the administration and activities of the executive branch and Association legislative bodies.
  2. The membership of the Executive Committee shall be:
    1. The President of the Association, who shall chair the Executive Committee.
    2. The Vice President of the Association.
    3. The Chair and Deputy Chair of the Undergraduate Senate.
    4. The Chair, Deputy Chair, and Financial Officer of the Graduate Student Council.
    5. The ASSU Financial Manager.
  3. The President of the Association shall call all meetings of the Executive Committee, and set its agenda.
  4. The Executive Committee shall meet on a weekly basis to discuss all business coming before the Association legislative bodies.
  5. Unless an alternate mechanism is specified in this Constitution, the Executive Committee shall have the power, by [consensus]1) to decide if a given issue affects either the graduate or undergraduate population individually, or both jointly. In the absence of an alternate mechanism and in the absence of [consensus]2) of the Executive Committee, the issue shall be assumed to affect both populations.
  6. [The Executive Committee shall have the power, by [consensus]3), to call joint meetings of the Association legislative bodies.]4)
  7. [The Executive Committee shall have the power, by [consensus]5) to force joint consideration of any item of business by the Association legislative bodies. This joint consideration shall not necessarily imply the need for a joint meeting of the Association legislative bodies.]6)
  8. The Executive Committee shall have the power, by [consensus]7), to name any other members of the Association ex-officio members of the Executive Committee.

Section 5. Powers and Responsibilities

  1. The President shall serve as the chief administrator and executive of all Association functions. She or he shall oversee and coordinate the day to day operations and activities of the Association. The President shall see to it that all measures adopted by the Association legislative bodies are carried out and enforced.
  2. The President shall be the chief representative and liaison between the Association and all other bodies, both inside the University community and outside.
  3. The President shall have the power to call special meetings of the Undergraduate Senate, the Graduate Student Council, and of the Association in general.The President may establish committees as necessary and may appoint members to those groups. All such committees shall be subject to the freedom of information restrictions outlined throughout this Constitution.
  4. The President shall have the power to stop the enacting of any legislation of an Association legislative body through an executive veto. To override the executive veto, the Association legislative body must again pass the legislation at its next meeting by a two-thirds vote. Once a veto has been overridden, the President may not again veto the same legislation.
  5. As the Association’s chief executive, the President shall be accountable to the Association legislative bodies and to the members of the Association for all actions carried out in her/his official capacity.
  6. The President of the Association shall have the power to delegate authority to other members of the Association to carry out executive tasks within the Association. In particular, the President may form a cabinet to assist her or him in administration of the Association. The President of the Association shall have power to remove members of the cabinet at will. The members of the Cabinet may also be removed by a two-thirds vote of each Association legislative body.
  7. During winter quarter, the President of the Association shall deliver a State of the Association address open to all members of the University community. Notice of the address must be made in a public place two weeks before the address. Members of the Association shall then have the opportunity to publicly address the President of the Association.
1) Interpreted as part of the October 1, 1999 Letter of Acceptance to mean “an opinion or position reached by a group as a whole, where each member of the group is willing to accede to the decision”, and subsequently ratified by the Association legislative bodies. See Appendix A, Sections 11 and 12 for details.
2) , 3) , 5) , 7) as per footnote 1
4) Interpreted as part of the October 1, 1999 Letter of Acceptance to mean “in the absence of consensus, there will be no joint meeting of the Association legislative bodies”, and subsequently ratified by the Association legislative bodies.
6) Interpreted as part of the October 1, 1999 Letter of Acceptance to mean “that for items of business that the Executive Committee deems deserving of joint consideration, these items must be approved by both legislative bodies according to procedures identified in the Constitution or in each legislative body's respective By-Laws; and that without such approval from both legislative bodies, no action is taken”, and subsequently ratified by the Association legislative bodies.
constitution/iii.txt · Last modified: 2012/10/30 01:23 by trusheim