The representative authority of the Association shall be vested in the legislative bodies of the Association.
The Undergraduate Senate of the Association shall be composed of 16 members, 15 of whom shall be elected by and shall represent the undergraduate members of the Association, with the 16th member being the Vice President of the Association.
The Graduate Student Council of the Association shall represent the graduate and professional members of the Association. The Graduate Student Council shall have 15 members who shall be elected by and shall represent the graduate and professional members of the Association, and shall include the Vice President of the Association as the 16th member.
A majority of the regular members of the Undergraduate Senate shall constitute quorum to conduct business.
A member of the Undergraduate Senate may be dismissed from office in the following ways:
Grounds for dismissal from the Undergraduate Senate shall include, but not be limited to, actions which clearly violate the intent of this Constitution, consistent failure to attend regular meetings of the Undergraduate Senate, actions deemed unbecoming a member of the Undergraduate Senate.
Quorum for conducting votes mandated in this Constitution shall consist of a majority of the non-vacant Graduate Student Council seats.
The term of office and transition procedures for the Graduate Student Council shall be specified in the Graduate Student Council's By-Laws, with the condition that whatever the procedures are, they must be completed by the end of the academic quarter in which the election for the Graduate Student Council took place.
The Graduate Student Council shall choose its Chair, Deputy Chair, and Financial Officer. The Chair shall preside over the Graduate Student Council.
The procedure for removing members of the Graduate Student Council shall be specified in the Graduate Student Council's By-Laws.
Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, the members of the Association shall have the ultimate authority to determine the budget of the Association and its agencies, as well as their budgetary, financial, investment, business, and operating policies. The members of the various Association populations shall also have the ultimate authority to establish rules ensuring that funds derived from fees levied upon those populations are expended and accounted for properly. As the representative bodies for the students, the legislative bodies of the Association shall exercise these powers in the names of the members of their respective constituencies.
The legislative bodies of the Association shall have the power to create, modify, and abolish agencies of the Association including, but not limited to, projects providing services to members of the Association. The functions, structure, officers, and finances of all such agencies may be specified jointly by the Undergraduate Senate and the Graduate Student Council for those agencies whose purpose involves members of both the undergraduate and graduate populations. Otherwise, the above structures may be specified only by the legislative body for the relevant population.
The Association legislative bodies shall have the right to confirm appointments of representatives of the Stanford student body, except in those cases where an alternate procedure has been approved by a majority vote of the Association voting in a general election.
Each Association legislative body shall have sole power to make rules governing elections involving only members of the population it represents, in accordance with this Constitution. For elections involving the Association population, the Association legislative bodies shall have the joint power to make rules, in accordance with this Constitution.
The Executive Committee shall have the power to call joint meetings of the Association legislative bodies. The Vice President of the Association shall serve as the Presiding Officer of all such joint meetings. The procedures for calling such meetings shall be included in the Association By-Laws. The only conditions on these procedures are that public notice must be given of all such meetings, minutes must be taken at all such meetings, and these minutes must be made publicly available within one week of being approved.
Unless otherwise stated in this Constitution, the joint approval of any item of business by the Association legislative bodies shall not necessarily require a joint meeting of the Association legislative bodies.
All votes of Association legislative bodies shall be by open ballot.