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ug-senate:appxi [2013/01/18 01:17]
trusheim created
ug-senate:appxi [2014/07/18 11:49] (current)
jfinley5 [A. Members of the US]
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 ====== Appendix I: Election Policies ====== ====== Appendix I: Election Policies ======
-===== Section 1. Fill me! =====+===== Section 1: General ===== 
 +These Policies shall apply only to those candidates, slates, special fee requests, and sponsors whose election issues can be voted upon exclusively by members of the undergraduate population. 
 +===== Section 2: Candidates ===== 
 +==== A. Members of the US ==== 
 +  - Any members of the undergraduate population declaring intent to become a member of the US, and requesting to appear in the Elections Handbook and on the ballot, must submit to the Elections Commission a petition of at least 100 members of the undergraduate population. 
 +  - The Senate may unanimously vote to send any upperclass candidate (designated as such in the Elections Handbook), to the Elections Commission to have their status as an upperclass candidate reviewed. The Elections Commission will then have the authority to remove the designation of "​upperclass candidate"​ as defined in Article II, Section 3.A.3 of the ASSU Constitution. 
 +  - Candidates who do not meet the definition of "​upperclass candidate"​ in Article II, Section 3.A.3 of the ASSU Constitution may not petition the Elections Commission to be designated as upperclass candidates. Disputes regarding the definition of "​upperclass candidate"​ shall be resolved by the ASSU Constitutional Council. 
 +  - If the Elections Commission removes the designation of upperclass candidate, the candidate in question is still eligible to run as an at-large candidate, but cannot be treated as an upperclass candidate for the purposes of Article II Section 3.A of the ASSU Constitution,​ regardless of their academic status as defined by the University Registrar. 
 +==== B. Class Presidents ==== 
 +     - Any members of the undergraduate population declaring intent to become Class Presidents, and requesting to appear in the Elections Handbook and on the ballot, must submit to the Elections Commission a petition of at least 100 members of the undergraduate population. 
 +     - There shall be Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Class Presidents. The Class Presidents will be elected during the Spring General Election. Students may vote for the Class Presidents for only one class, and candidates for Sophomore and Senior Class Presidents shall be slates of four people. Slates for Junior Class Presidents may have up to five people, on the condition that at least four of them are present on campus at any given time during the term of office. 
 +     - To the extent that it is possible, the only students who will run or vote for a given Class President slate will be students in the class immediately below (i.e. only freshmen will run or vote for Sophomore Class Presidents). Because it may not be possible to accurately determine the class to which a given student belongs, the Elections Commission shall err on the side of allowing students to declare what class they belong to. For the purposes of this subsection, a student'​s class shall be the one which they identify themselves with socially, which may or may not be the same as the class status assigned to them by the University Registrar. 
 +     - Instant Runoff Voting (hereafter “IRV”) shall be used in elections for Class Presidents as defined by the following procedure:​ 
 +       - Should a slate receive a majority of the vote, the US shall certify the election of that slate. 
 +       - Should no slate receive a majority of the vote, there shall be successive IRV rounds using the rankings on voters’ ballots cast in a General Election. 
 +       - In each IRV round, the highest-ranked valid votes on voters’ ballots shall be tallied, and the slate with the fewest votes shall be eliminated. Votes for that slate shall not be considered valid in subsequent rounds. If no valid choice is indicated on a ballot, then that ballot shall be removed from subsequent tallies. 
 +       - IRV rounds shall be repeated until one slate remains. The US shall certify the election of that slate as the Class Presidents. 
 +     - If resolution of a tie vote is necessary to determine the slate to be eliminated in a given round of the instant runoff, the tie shall be resolved by eliminating the tied slate that had the fewest votes in successively previous rounds until the tie is resolved or all previous rounds have been considered. If the tie cannot be resolved by this method, it shall be resolved by utilizing the same procedure specified for resolving US ties. 
 +===== Section 3: US Oath of Office ===== 
 +The following shall be the oath of office for the members of the US:\\ 
 +“I, (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the duties of the office of Undergraduate Senator of the Associated Students of Stanford University; that I take this obligation freely; that I will advocate for and serve the interests of the entire undergraduate population; and that I will uphold the Constitution of the Associated Students of Stanford University.”
ug-senate/appxi.txt · Last modified: 2014/07/18 11:49 by jfinley5