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start [2013/01/18 01:20]
trusheim Adding JBL and UGS
start [2013/11/19 12:39] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-[[constitution:​start|View the Constitution]] +  * [[constitution:​start|View the Constitution]] 
-[[jbl:​start|View the Joint Bylaws]] +  ​* ​[[jbl:​start|View the Joint Bylaws]] 
-[[ug-senate:​start|View the UG Senate Bylaws]]+  ​* ​[[ug-senate:​start|View the Bylaws of the Undergraduate ​Senate]] 
 +  * [[gsc:​start|View the Bylaws ​of the Graduate Student Council]] 
 +  * [[jbl:​order:​start|View the Rules of Order of the Association Legislative Bodies]] 
 +  * [[ug-senate:​order:​start|View the Rules of Order of the Undergraduate Senate]] 
 +  * [[jbl:​cc:​order:​start|View the Rules of Order of The Constitutional Council]] 
 +  * [[sse:​start|View SSE documentation]] 
 +  * [[org:​start|View organizational documentation]]
start.txt · Last modified: 2013/11/19 12:39 by trusheim