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jbl:vi [2013/02/24 18:27]
kabacon [C. General Fees]
jbl:vi [2013/02/24 18:31] (current)
kabacon [B. Special Fees]
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   -The Graduate Buffer Fund and Undergraduate Buffer Fund shall be administered by the relevant legislative bodies in a manner specified in their by-laws. The Graduate Special Distribution Buffer Account shall be administered by both the Undergraduate Senate, the GSC, and the ASSU Financial Manager as specified in the Bill ‘To Implement the Partitioning of the Association Buffer Fund into the Undergraduate Buffer Fund and the Graduate Buffer Fund’. Funds from the Undergraduate Buffer Fund, Graduate Buffer Fund, and Graduate Special Distribution Buffer Account may not be used for any purpose unrelated to special fees without 2/3 majority approval from both legislative bodies.   -The Graduate Buffer Fund and Undergraduate Buffer Fund shall be administered by the relevant legislative bodies in a manner specified in their by-laws. The Graduate Special Distribution Buffer Account shall be administered by both the Undergraduate Senate, the GSC, and the ASSU Financial Manager as specified in the Bill ‘To Implement the Partitioning of the Association Buffer Fund into the Undergraduate Buffer Fund and the Graduate Buffer Fund’. Funds from the Undergraduate Buffer Fund, Graduate Buffer Fund, and Graduate Special Distribution Buffer Account may not be used for any purpose unrelated to special fees without 2/3 majority approval from both legislative bodies.
 ====  B. Special Fees  ==== ====  B. Special Fees  ====
-2009-04-14-JointBylaws.doc 38 
 The procedures by which each Association legislative body considers and approves Special Fee requests for placement on the ballot shall be specified in the By-Laws of each Association legislative body. The procedures by which each Association legislative body considers and approves Special Fee requests for placement on the ballot shall be specified in the By-Laws of each Association legislative body.
 ====  C. General Fees  ==== ====  C. General Fees  ====
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   -Additional procedures by which each Association legislative body considers and approves General Fee allocations,​ as well as the procedures by which each Association legislative body places measures to create, change the base amount of, change the statement of purpose of, or modify General Fees on the ballot, shall be specified in the By-Laws of each Association legislative body.   -Additional procedures by which each Association legislative body considers and approves General Fee allocations,​ as well as the procedures by which each Association legislative body places measures to create, change the base amount of, change the statement of purpose of, or modify General Fees on the ballot, shall be specified in the By-Laws of each Association legislative body.
 ====  D. Refunds ​ ==== ====  D. Refunds ​ ====
-1. The Fee Refund Coordinator shall ensure that Fee refunds are made available in a timely and efficient manner to eligible members requesting them and that all such persons are informed of the procedure to obtain refunds. These procedures shall specifically include the following:​ +  -The Fee Refund Coordinator shall ensure that Fee refunds are made available in a timely and efficient manner to eligible members requesting them and that all such persons are informed of the procedure to obtain refunds. These procedures shall specifically include the following:​ 
-a. All eligible students who file a Fee refund request between 8:00AM of the first day of a quarter and 5:00 P.M. on the third Friday of any quarter shall receive the requested refund on their University Bill or as a mailed check for that quarter. Credits or checks shall be issued by the seventh week of the quarter. The ASSU Financial Manager may open the fee refund window earlier, but not later, at his or her discretion. +    -All eligible students who file a Fee refund request between 8:00AM of the first day of a quarter and 5:00 P.M. on the third Friday of any quarter shall receive the requested refund on their University Bill or as a mailed check for that quarter. Credits or checks shall be issued by the seventh week of the quarter. The ASSU Financial Manager may open the fee refund window earlier, but not later, at his or her discretion. 
-2009-04-14-JointBylaws.doc 39 +    -Due to the differing schedule of the Law School Academic Calendar, Law Students shall have their refund requests automatically rollover to all future academic terms during that same Fiscal Year. Refunds will be distributed according to the schedule detailed above. 
-b. Due to the differing schedule of the Law School Academic Calendar, Law Students shall have their refund requests automatically rollover to all future academic terms during that same Fiscal Year. Refunds will be distributed according to the schedule detailed above. +    -When students request refunds, they shall be presented with a set of anonymous, confidential survey options for each group explain why they are receiving a refund. These questions, and the entire refund site design, will be proposed by the Refund Coordinator and approved by each of the relevant legislative bodies prior to the beginning of the Fiscal Year. Aggregate survey data may be provided to groups. 
-c. When students request refunds, they shall be presented with a set of anonymous, confidential survey options for each group explain why they are receiving a refund. These questions, and the entire refund site design, will be proposed by the Refund Coordinator and approved by each of the relevant legislative bodies prior to the beginning of the Fiscal Year. Aggregate survey data may be provided to groups. +    -Exceptions to this policy will be allowed if and only if authorized by a 2/3 vote of the relevant Association legislative bodies, provided that previous notice has been given. 
-d. Exceptions to this policy will be allowed if and only if authorized by a 2/3 vote of the relevant Association legislative bodies, provided that previous notice has been given. +    -The Financial Manager shall make available to any student group receiving a Special Fee a list of the student identification numbers of all students who requested Fee refunds from that group. This list shall be made available no later than noon on the Monday following the Fee refund deadline. 
-e. The Financial Manager shall make available to any student group receiving a Special Fee a list of the student identification numbers of all students who requested Fee refunds from that group. This list shall be made available no later than noon on the Monday following the Fee refund deadline. +    -The refund amount for a group shall be defined as the total amount of quarterly refunds for the group. If this amount exceeds the Refund Cost Surcharge collected for that group for that quarter for that population, the group shall be financially responsible for covering that excess. 
-f. The refund amount for a group shall be defined as the total amount of quarterly refunds for the group. If this amount exceeds the Refund Cost Surcharge collected for that group for that quarter for that population, the group shall be financially responsible for covering that excess. +      -Joint groups shall have two independent refund amounts. The Graduate refund amount shall be defined as the total amount of quarterly refunds obtained by Graduate students for the group. The Undergraduate refund amount shall be defined as the total amount of quarterly refunds obtained by Undergraduate students for the group. 
-1. Joint groups shall have two independent refund amounts. The Graduate refund amount shall be defined as the total amount of quarterly refunds obtained by Graduate students for the group. The Undergraduate refund amount shall be defined as the total amount of quarterly refunds obtained by Undergraduate students for the group. +      -In the event of an excess refund amount, the Financial Manager is authorized to collect that amount from the group’s accounts in the following order: 
-2. In the event of an excess refund amount, the Financial Manager is authorized to collect that amount from the group’s accounts in the following order: +        -Fee Reserves 
-i. Fee Reserves +        -Operating Budgets 
-ii. Operating Budgets +        -All other assets as specified in the contract signed prior to being placed on the ballot 
-iii. All other assets as specified in the contract signed prior to +  -The Financial Manager shall advertise deadlines as appropriate to ensure students are aware of these procedures. 
-being placed on the ballot +  -Additional refund policies, specific to either the graduate or undergraduate population, shall be included in the By-Laws of the relevant Association legislative body. In the event that the specific refund policies conflict with these general refund policies on a matter affecting members of either the graduate or undergraduate population only, the specific refund policies shall take precedence.
-2. The Financial Manager shall advertise deadlines as appropriate to ensure students are aware of these procedures. +
-3. Additional refund policies, specific to either the graduate or undergraduate population, shall be included in the By-Laws of the relevant Association legislative body. In the event that the specific refund policies conflict with these general refund +
-2009-04-14-JointBylaws.doc 40 +
-policies on a matter affecting members of either the graduate or undergraduate population only, the specific refund policies shall take precedence.+
 ====  E. Enforcement ​ ==== ====  E. Enforcement ​ ====
 The Financial Manager is hereby instructed and empowered to ensure that all requirements pertaining to funds derived from General and Special Fees contained in the Constitution,​ these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, and Funding Policies enacted by the relevant Association legislative bodies are strictly enforced. The Financial Manager is hereby instructed and empowered to ensure that all requirements pertaining to funds derived from General and Special Fees contained in the Constitution,​ these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, and Funding Policies enacted by the relevant Association legislative bodies are strictly enforced.
 =====  Section 8: The Three-Year Plan  ===== =====  Section 8: The Three-Year Plan  =====
-A. The Financial Manager will present a revised Three-Year plan to the Association legislative bodies no later than the last regularly scheduled meeting of the year. +====  ​A.  ====  
-B. The Three-Year plan will outline goals and timelines for the financial operation of the Association. The areas included shall be: staff, Business Projects, the banking service, Fee refunds, the Operating Budget, and other services the Financial Manager deems important to operation of the Association.+The Financial Manager will present a revised Three-Year plan to the Association legislative bodies no later than the last regularly scheduled meeting of the year.  
 +====  ​B.  ====  
 +The Three-Year plan will outline goals and timelines for the financial operation of the Association. The areas included shall be: staff, Business Projects, the banking service, Fee refunds, the Operating Budget, and other services the Financial Manager deems important to operation of the Association.
jbl/vi.1361752025.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/02/24 18:27 by kabacon