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jbl:vi [2013/02/24 16:05]
kabacon [A.General Provisions]
jbl:vi [2013/02/24 16:31] (current)
kabacon [B. Special Fees]
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 =====  Section 7: General and Special Fees  ===== =====  Section 7: General and Special Fees  =====
 ====  A. General Provisions ​ ==== ====  A. General Provisions ​ ====
-1. Umbrella Groups +  -Umbrella Groups 
-a. Groups of Voluntary Student Organizations (henceforth referred to as VSOs) +    -Groups of Voluntary Student Organizations (henceforth referred to as VSOs)shall be recognized as Umbrella groups upon the approval of the relevant Association legislative bodies. The requirements for such approval shall be specified in the relevant By-Laws. 
-shall be recognized as Umbrella groups upon the approval of the relevant Association legislative bodies. The requirements for such approval shall be specified in the relevant By-Laws. +    -Umbrella Group Organization 
-b. Umbrella Group Organization +      -Each Umbrella group shall, at the time of its application,​ identify one VSO that shall assume fiscal responsibility for the entire group, which shall be known as the principal organization. 
-i. Each Umbrella group shall, at the time of its application,​ identify one +      -All member VSOs, including the principal, shall be known as constituent members. 
-VSO that shall assume fiscal responsibility for the entire group, which +      -This certification shall last for a period of one year, corresponding to the annual funding cycle. 
-shall be known as the principal organization. +      -By entering into an Umbrella group, every constituent member other than the principal agrees to forfeit its right to place a Special Fee on the ballot for the funding cycle for which the certification is valid. 
-ii. All member VSOs, including the principal, shall be known as constituent +      -The principal may disband its Umbrella group at any time provided that the Umbrella group is not at that time receiving any allocation from a Special or General Fee. Disbanding shall make all pending allocations null and void. 
-members. +    -All rules that apply to VSOs shall apply to all constituent members of Umbrella groups, except as stated otherwise. 
-iii. This certification shall last for a period of one year, corresponding to the +  -No organization receiving funds from a General or Special Fee may loan, grant, or otherwise distribute any of its restricted funds to another organization,​ with the following exemptions, as well as the exceptions listed in the US By-Laws and the GSC By-Laws: 
-annual funding cycle. +    -The Club Sports Council may distribute funds to the various clubs belonging to the Club Sports program. Any organization receiving funds from the Club Sports Council shall not be eligible for General or Special Fee funding from any other source. 
-iv. By entering into an Umbrella group, every constituent member other than +    -The principal of an Umbrella group may fund constituent groups via monies received from a Special or General Fee, but may not transfer such funds, in accordance with the approved budgets. 
-the principal agrees to forfeit its right to place a Special Fee on the ballot +  -Organizations receiving funds from a General or Special Fee may co-sponsor events with other organizations,​ provided that all co-sponsoring organizations shall have actual involvement in the planning and implementation of the co-sponsored event. Except as specified elsewhere, organizations and publications may not be co- sponsored. 
-for the funding cycle for which the certification is valid. +  -No organization may receive funds from both a Special Fee and a General Fee from the same population of the Association during the same fiscal year. For the purposes of this provision, organizations receiving funds from a Special Fee levied on the Association population shall be considered to have received a Special Fee from both the graduate and undergraduate populations. 
-v. The principal may disband its Umbrella group at any time provided that +  -Non-Association organizations which are eligible to apply for a Special Fee or funds from a General Fee may not receive any unrestricted funds from the Association Operating Budget, except in the form of loans. 
-the Umbrella group is not at that time receiving any allocation from a Special or General Fee. Disbanding shall make all pending allocations null and void. +  -The relevant Association legislative bodies shall approve Schedules for the Collection, Disbursement,​ and Refunds, of the General and Special Fees for the following fiscal year no later than the final meeting of each outgoing Association legislative body before it dissolves during Spring Quarter. 
-c. All rules that apply to VSOs shall apply to all constituent members of Umbrella groups, except as stated otherwise. +  -At the time that it approves these Schedules, the relevant Association legislative bodies shall set the amounts of the following surcharges, and approve line-item budgets for their expenditure where appropriate:​ 
-2. No organization receiving funds from a General or Special Fee may loan, grant, or otherwise distribute any of its restricted funds to another organization,​ with the following exemptions, as well as the exceptions listed in the US By-Laws and the GSC By-Laws: +    -Graduate Refund Cost and Undergraduate Refund Cost surcharges — shall cover the direct and indirect costs of providing refunds of the General and Special Fees for the relevant populations. This surcharge shall be calculated independently for the Graduate and Undergraduate populations. They shall be held in a Graduate Student Refund Cost surcharge account, a Graduate Student Administrative Cost surcharge account, an Undergraduate Refund Cost surcharge account and an Undergraduate Administrative Cost surcharge account. 
-2009-04-14-JointBylaws.doc 35 +    -Rounding surcharge — shall cover any excess of the amount to be refunded per student for a given Fee (as provided in the Refund Schedule) over the amount to be collected per student for that Fee (as provided in the Collection Schedule). 
-a. The Club Sports Council may distribute funds to the various clubs belonging to the Club Sports program. Any organization receiving funds from the Club Sports Council shall not be eligible for General or Special Fee funding from any other source. +    -Election Cost surcharge — shall reimburse the Association Operating Budget for an appropriate fraction of the budgeted cost of Association elections, as provided by these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, the Special Charge of the Elections Commission, and the Policies of the Elections Commission, including interest from the time the election costs are incurred until the time the surcharge funds are received. 
-b. The principal of an Umbrella group may fund constituent groups via monies received from a Special or General Fee, but may not transfer such funds, in accordance with the approved budgets. +    -Advance Disbursement surcharge — shall reimburse the Association for the opportunity cost of making available General and Special Fee funds to student organizations in advance of the receipt of those funds from the University. 
-3. Organizations receiving funds from a General or Special Fee may co-sponsor events with other organizations,​ provided that all co-sponsoring organizations shall have actual involvement in the planning and implementation of the co-sponsored event. Except as specified elsewhere, organizations and publications may not be co- sponsored. +    -Administrative Cost surcharge — shall cover the direct and indirect costs incurred in the processes of the approval and disbursement of the General and Special Fees, and in enforcing compliance by the recipients of such funds with their authorized budgets. 
-4. No organization may receive funds from both a Special Fee and a General Fee from the same population of the Association during the same fiscal year. For the purposes of this provision, organizations receiving funds from a Special Fee levied on the Association population shall be considered to have received a Special Fee from both the graduate and undergraduate populations. +    -Buffer Recharge Surcharge — in the event that the buffer fund of either undergraduate or graduate population reaches an unsafe level as determined by the Financial Manager in consultation with the Executive Committee the relevant legislative bodies may levy a charge on their respective populations to replenish the buffer fund, with a 2/​3-majority approval. This charge can only be approved for one year at a time. 
-5. Non-Association organizations which are eligible to apply for a Special Fee or funds from a General Fee may not receive any unrestricted funds from the Association Operating Budget, except in the form of loans. +  -At the end of the fiscal year, any balance in the Graduate and Undergraduate Refund Costs, Graduate and Undergraduate Rounding, and Graduate and Undergraduate Administrative Cost surcharge accounts shall be debited or credited to the relevant population’s Buffer Fund. 
-6. The relevant Association legislative bodies shall approve Schedules for the Collection, Disbursement,​ and Refunds, of the General and Special Fees for the following fiscal year no later than the final meeting of each outgoing Association legislative body before it dissolves during Spring Quarter. +  -The Disbursement Schedule shall provide that each student organization receiving a Special Fee shall receive 1/3 of the net amount of that Fee at the beginning of each of the Autumn, Winter, and Spring Quarters. 
-7. At the time that it approves these Schedules, the relevant Association legislative bodies shall set the amounts of the following surcharges, and approve line-item budgets for their expenditure where appropriate:​ +  -The Disbursement Schedule for each General Fee shall be specified in the By-Laws of the relevant Association legislative body. 
-a. Graduate Refund Cost and Undergraduate Refund Cost surcharges — shall cover the direct and indirect costs of providing refunds of the General and Special Fees for the relevant populations. This surcharge shall be calculated independently for the Graduate and Undergraduate populations. They shall be held in a Graduate Student Refund Cost surcharge account, a Graduate Student Administrative Cost surcharge account, an Undergraduate Refund Cost surcharge account and an Undergraduate Administrative Cost surcharge account. +  -Disbursements of funds to student organizations receiving a Special Fee in advance of the disbursement authorized by the appropriate Schedule, to student organizations receiving annual allocations from a General Fee in advance of the disbursement authorized by these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, and the budget of the appropriate Board, may be authorized by the Financial Manager at her/his discretion. Such advances shall bear an appropriate rate of interest to compensate for the opportunity cost involved, as specified in an appropriate Financial Policy. 
-b. Rounding surcharge — shall cover any excess of the amount to be refunded per student for a given Fee (as provided in the Refund Schedule) over the amount to be collected per student for that Fee (as provided in the Collection Schedule). +  -Approval by the relevant Association legislative bodies, the Financial Manager, or the Association of any particular line item of a Special Fee request or allocation from aGeneral ​Fee does not commit the Financial Manager to approval of any particular expenditure at the time it is requested by the organization. 
-2009-04-14-JointBylaws.doc 36 +  -Any student organization requesting or receiving funds from a General or Special Fee shall prepare its budget in a manner that complies with the requirements of the Constitution,​ these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, and any Funding Policies adopted by the relevant Association legislative bodies. 
-c. Election Cost surcharge — shall reimburse the Association Operating Budget for an appropriate fraction of the budgeted cost of Association elections, as provided by these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, the Special Charge of the Elections Commission, and the Policies of the Elections Commission, including interest from the time the election costs are incurred until the time the surcharge funds are received. +  -Any student organization receiving a Special Fee or funds from a General Fee during the current fiscal year, or having unexpended funds originally derived from such a source, shall be required to expend all funds of that organization in accordance with its budget as authorized by the members of the Association (when its Special Fee request was approved) or by the relevant Association legislative bodies (when an allocation of funds from a General Fee was approved), unless and until a budget modification has been approved. The process by which budget modifications may be approved shall be specified in a Funding Policy adopted by the relevant Association legislative bodies. No funds shall be disbursed to a student organization not satisfying this requirement. 
-d. Advance Disbursement surcharge — shall reimburse the Association for the opportunity cost of making available General and Special Fee funds to student organizations in advance of the receipt of those funds from the University. +  -At the close of a fiscal year, any unexpended funds (including budget reserve funds) in the account of a student organization which were originally derived from a General or Special Fee shall remain subject to the budgetary supervision of the Association. The process by which a budget for the expenditure of such funds is authorized shall be specified in a Funding Policy adopted by the relevant Association legislative bodies. No such funds shall be expended except in accordance with an authorized budget. 
-e. Administrative Cost surcharge — shall cover the direct and indirect costs incurred in the processes of the approval and disbursement of the General and Special Fees, and in enforcing compliance by the recipients of such funds with their authorized budgets. +  -Any student organization requesting a Special Fee or funds from a General Fee and which has been exempted from banking with the SOF (and which has not done all of its banking with the University) must submit a report to the Financial Manager from an independent auditor approved by her/him which fully accounts for the finances of said organization for the previous fiscal year, and which especially emphasizes the uses to which any previously received General or Special Fee funds have been put. 
-f. Buffer Recharge Surcharge — in the event that the buffer fund of either undergraduate or graduate population reaches an unsafe level as determined by the Financial Manager in consultation with the Executive Committee the relevant legislative bodies may levy a charge on their respective populations to replenish the buffer fund, with a 2/​3-majority approval. This charge can only be approved for one year at a time. +  -The Graduate Buffer Fund and Undergraduate Buffer Fund shall be administered by the relevant legislative bodies in a manner specified in their by-laws. The Graduate Special Distribution Buffer Account shall be administered by both the Undergraduate Senate, the GSC, and the ASSU Financial Manager as specified in the Bill ‘To Implement the Partitioning of the Association Buffer Fund into the Undergraduate Buffer Fund and the Graduate Buffer Fund’. Funds from the Undergraduate Buffer Fund, Graduate Buffer Fund, and Graduate Special Distribution Buffer Account may not be used for any purpose unrelated to special fees without 2/3 majority approval from both legislative bodies.
-8. At the end of the fiscal year, any balance in the Graduate and Undergraduate Refund Costs, Graduate and Undergraduate Rounding, and Graduate and Undergraduate Administrative Cost surcharge accounts shall be debited or credited to the relevant population’s Buffer Fund. +
-9. The Disbursement Schedule shall provide that each student organization receiving a Special Fee shall receive 1/3 of the net amount of that Fee at the beginning of each of the Autumn, Winter, and Spring Quarters. +
-10. The Disbursement Schedule for each General Fee shall be specified in the By-Laws of the relevant Association legislative body. +
-11. Disbursements of funds to student organizations receiving a Special Fee in advance of the disbursement authorized by the appropriate Schedule, to student organizations receiving annual allocations from a General Fee in advance of the disbursement authorized by these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, and the budget of the appropriate Board, may be authorized by the Financial Manager at her/his discretion. Such advances shall bear an appropriate rate of interest to compensate for the opportunity cost involved, as specified in an appropriate Financial Policy. +
-12. Approval by the relevant Association legislative bodies, the Financial Manager, or the Association of any particular line item of a Special Fee request or allocation from +
-2009-04-14-JointBylaws.doc 37 +
-B. +
-General ​Fee does not commit the Financial Manager to approval of any particular expenditure at the time it is requested by the organization. +
-13. Any student organization requesting or receiving funds from a General or Special Fee shall prepare its budget in a manner that complies with the requirements of the Constitution,​ these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, and any Funding Policies adopted by the relevant Association legislative bodies. +
-14. Any student organization receiving a Special Fee or funds from a General Fee during the current fiscal year, or having unexpended funds originally derived from such a source, shall be required to expend all funds of that organization in accordance with its budget as authorized by the members of the Association (when its Special Fee request was approved) or by the relevant Association legislative bodies (when an allocation of funds from a General Fee was approved), unless and until a budget modification has been approved. The process by which budget modifications may be approved shall be specified in a Funding Policy adopted by the relevant Association legislative bodies. No funds shall be disbursed to a student organization not satisfying this requirement. +
-15. At the close of a fiscal year, any unexpended funds (including budget reserve funds) in the account of a student organization which were originally derived from a General or Special Fee shall remain subject to the budgetary supervision of the Association. The process by which a budget for the expenditure of such funds is authorized shall be specified in a Funding Policy adopted by the relevant Association legislative bodies. No such funds shall be expended except in accordance with an authorized budget. +
-16. Any student organization requesting a Special Fee or funds from a General Fee and which has been exempted from banking with the SOF (and which has not done all of its banking with the University) must submit a report to the Financial Manager from an independent auditor approved by her/him which fully accounts for the finances of said organization for the previous fiscal year, and which especially emphasizes the uses to which any previously received General or Special Fee funds have been put. +
-17. The Graduate Buffer Fund and Undergraduate Buffer Fund shall be administered by the relevant legislative bodies in a manner specified in their by-laws. The Graduate Special Distribution Buffer Account shall be administered by both the Undergraduate Senate, the GSC, and the ASSU Financial Manager as specified in the Bill ‘To Implement the Partitioning of the Association Buffer Fund into the Undergraduate Buffer Fund and the Graduate Buffer Fund’. Funds from the Undergraduate Buffer Fund, Graduate Buffer Fund, and Graduate Special Distribution Buffer Account may not be used for any purpose unrelated to special fees without 2/3 majority approval from both legislative bodies.+
 ====  B. Special Fees  ==== ====  B. Special Fees  ====
-2009-04-14-JointBylaws.doc 38 
 The procedures by which each Association legislative body considers and approves Special Fee requests for placement on the ballot shall be specified in the By-Laws of each Association legislative body. The procedures by which each Association legislative body considers and approves Special Fee requests for placement on the ballot shall be specified in the By-Laws of each Association legislative body.
 ====  C. General Fees  ==== ====  C. General Fees  ====
-1. General Fees should maximize the benefits to the entire population served in terms of educational value, cultural exposure, and/or services provided to their respective population. +  -General Fees should maximize the benefits to the entire population served in terms of educational value, cultural exposure, and/or services provided to their respective population. 
-2. Each Association legislative body shall take measures to see that all members of the Association are as equally as possible served by any General Fee. No subset of the population should suffer or benefit more than others due to their skill in navigating any system put in place. +  -Each Association legislative body shall take measures to see that all members of the Association are as equally as possible served by any General Fee. No subset of the population should suffer or benefit more than others due to their skill in navigating any system put in place. 
-3. VSOs and General Fees +  -VSOs and General Fees 
-a. General Fee allocations to VSOs should be made in a manner that as fairly as possible disburses funds throughout the population taxed. This applies both with respect to a VSO’s participatory size relative to the population, and to that VSO’s role and purpose within the set of all VSOs. +    -General Fee allocations to VSOs should be made in a manner that as fairly as possible disburses funds throughout the population taxed. This applies both with respect to a VSO’s participatory size relative to the population, and to that VSO’s role and purpose within the set of all VSOs. 
-b. VSOs that serve a similar role or serve nearly the same subset of the population should be encouraged to combine or form Umbrella groups for the greater benefit of all members. At the discretion of the relevant Association legislative body, a set of VSOs may be treated as an Umbrella group for General Fee allocations regardless of formal Umbrella group status. +    -VSOs that serve a similar role or serve nearly the same subset of the population should be encouraged to combine or form Umbrella groups for the greater benefit of all members. At the discretion of the relevant Association legislative body, a set of VSOs may be treated as an Umbrella group for General Fee allocations regardless of formal Umbrella group status. 
-c. Formation of VSOs strictly for the purpose of obtaining additional funding, misappropriation of funds, or misrepresentations of any kind during the funding process shall be considered violations of the Fundamental Standard. +    -Formation of VSOs strictly for the purpose of obtaining additional funding, misappropriation of funds, or misrepresentations of any kind during the funding process shall be considered violations of the Fundamental Standard. 
-4. Additional procedures by which each Association legislative body considers and approves General Fee allocations,​ as well as the procedures by which each Association legislative body places measures to create, change the base amount of, change the statement of purpose of, or modify General Fees on the ballot, shall be specified in the By-Laws of each Association legislative body.+  -Additional procedures by which each Association legislative body considers and approves General Fee allocations,​ as well as the procedures by which each Association legislative body places measures to create, change the base amount of, change the statement of purpose of, or modify General Fees on the ballot, shall be specified in the By-Laws of each Association legislative body.
 ====  D. Refunds ​ ==== ====  D. Refunds ​ ====
-1. The Fee Refund Coordinator shall ensure that Fee refunds are made available in a timely and efficient manner to eligible members requesting them and that all such persons are informed of the procedure to obtain refunds. These procedures shall specifically include the following:​ +  -The Fee Refund Coordinator shall ensure that Fee refunds are made available in a timely and efficient manner to eligible members requesting them and that all such persons are informed of the procedure to obtain refunds. These procedures shall specifically include the following:​ 
-a. All eligible students who file a Fee refund request between 8:00AM of the first day of a quarter and 5:00 P.M. on the third Friday of any quarter shall receive the requested refund on their University Bill or as a mailed check for that quarter. Credits or checks shall be issued by the seventh week of the quarter. The ASSU Financial Manager may open the fee refund window earlier, but not later, at his or her discretion. +    -All eligible students who file a Fee refund request between 8:00AM of the first day of a quarter and 5:00 P.M. on the third Friday of any quarter shall receive the requested refund on their University Bill or as a mailed check for that quarter. Credits or checks shall be issued by the seventh week of the quarter. The ASSU Financial Manager may open the fee refund window earlier, but not later, at his or her discretion. 
-2009-04-14-JointBylaws.doc 39 +    -Due to the differing schedule of the Law School Academic Calendar, Law Students shall have their refund requests automatically rollover to all future academic terms during that same Fiscal Year. Refunds will be distributed according to the schedule detailed above. 
-b. Due to the differing schedule of the Law School Academic Calendar, Law Students shall have their refund requests automatically rollover to all future academic terms during that same Fiscal Year. Refunds will be distributed according to the schedule detailed above. +    -When students request refunds, they shall be presented with a set of anonymous, confidential survey options for each group explain why they are receiving a refund. These questions, and the entire refund site design, will be proposed by the Refund Coordinator and approved by each of the relevant legislative bodies prior to the beginning of the Fiscal Year. Aggregate survey data may be provided to groups. 
-c. When students request refunds, they shall be presented with a set of anonymous, confidential survey options for each group explain why they are receiving a refund. These questions, and the entire refund site design, will be proposed by the Refund Coordinator and approved by each of the relevant legislative bodies prior to the beginning of the Fiscal Year. Aggregate survey data may be provided to groups. +    -Exceptions to this policy will be allowed if and only if authorized by a 2/3 vote of the relevant Association legislative bodies, provided that previous notice has been given. 
-d. Exceptions to this policy will be allowed if and only if authorized by a 2/3 vote of the relevant Association legislative bodies, provided that previous notice has been given. +    -The Financial Manager shall make available to any student group receiving a Special Fee a list of the student identification numbers of all students who requested Fee refunds from that group. This list shall be made available no later than noon on the Monday following the Fee refund deadline. 
-e. The Financial Manager shall make available to any student group receiving a Special Fee a list of the student identification numbers of all students who requested Fee refunds from that group. This list shall be made available no later than noon on the Monday following the Fee refund deadline. +    -The refund amount for a group shall be defined as the total amount of quarterly refunds for the group. If this amount exceeds the Refund Cost Surcharge collected for that group for that quarter for that population, the group shall be financially responsible for covering that excess. 
-f. The refund amount for a group shall be defined as the total amount of quarterly refunds for the group. If this amount exceeds the Refund Cost Surcharge collected for that group for that quarter for that population, the group shall be financially responsible for covering that excess. +      -Joint groups shall have two independent refund amounts. The Graduate refund amount shall be defined as the total amount of quarterly refunds obtained by Graduate students for the group. The Undergraduate refund amount shall be defined as the total amount of quarterly refunds obtained by Undergraduate students for the group. 
-1. Joint groups shall have two independent refund amounts. The Graduate refund amount shall be defined as the total amount of quarterly refunds obtained by Graduate students for the group. The Undergraduate refund amount shall be defined as the total amount of quarterly refunds obtained by Undergraduate students for the group. +      -In the event of an excess refund amount, the Financial Manager is authorized to collect that amount from the group’s accounts in the following order: 
-2. In the event of an excess refund amount, the Financial Manager is authorized to collect that amount from the group’s accounts in the following order: +        -Fee Reserves 
-i. Fee Reserves +        -Operating Budgets 
-ii. Operating Budgets +        -All other assets as specified in the contract signed prior to being placed on the ballot 
-iii. All other assets as specified in the contract signed prior to +  -The Financial Manager shall advertise deadlines as appropriate to ensure students are aware of these procedures. 
-being placed on the ballot +  -Additional refund policies, specific to either the graduate or undergraduate population, shall be included in the By-Laws of the relevant Association legislative body. In the event that the specific refund policies conflict with these general refund policies on a matter affecting members of either the graduate or undergraduate population only, the specific refund policies shall take precedence.
-2. The Financial Manager shall advertise deadlines as appropriate to ensure students are aware of these procedures. +
-3. Additional refund policies, specific to either the graduate or undergraduate population, shall be included in the By-Laws of the relevant Association legislative body. In the event that the specific refund policies conflict with these general refund +
-2009-04-14-JointBylaws.doc 40 +
-policies on a matter affecting members of either the graduate or undergraduate population only, the specific refund policies shall take precedence.+
 ====  E. Enforcement ​ ==== ====  E. Enforcement ​ ====
 The Financial Manager is hereby instructed and empowered to ensure that all requirements pertaining to funds derived from General and Special Fees contained in the Constitution,​ these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, and Funding Policies enacted by the relevant Association legislative bodies are strictly enforced. The Financial Manager is hereby instructed and empowered to ensure that all requirements pertaining to funds derived from General and Special Fees contained in the Constitution,​ these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, and Funding Policies enacted by the relevant Association legislative bodies are strictly enforced.
 =====  Section 8: The Three-Year Plan  ===== =====  Section 8: The Three-Year Plan  =====
-A. The Financial Manager will present a revised Three-Year plan to the Association legislative bodies no later than the last regularly scheduled meeting of the year. +====  ​A.  ====  
-B. The Three-Year plan will outline goals and timelines for the financial operation of the Association. The areas included shall be: staff, Business Projects, the banking service, Fee refunds, the Operating Budget, and other services the Financial Manager deems important to operation of the Association.+The Financial Manager will present a revised Three-Year plan to the Association legislative bodies no later than the last regularly scheduled meeting of the year.  
 +====  ​B.  ====  
 +The Three-Year plan will outline goals and timelines for the financial operation of the Association. The areas included shall be: staff, Business Projects, the banking service, Fee refunds, the Operating Budget, and other services the Financial Manager deems important to operation of the Association.
jbl/vi.txt · Last modified: 2013/02/24 16:31 by kabacon