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Article V: Elections

Section 1. General

A. Types of Election

  1. General elections are those in which all members of the Association are eligible to vote.
  2. Special elections are those in which only a well-defined subset of the Association is eligible to vote.
  3. General and special elections shall be collectively known as Association elections (referred to in this Article as “elections”).
  4. Runoff elections are those resulting from a failure of an Association election to produce a winner (referred to in this article as a “runoff”). A runoff election can be a general election or a special election, depending on the type of the preceding election.

B. Jurisdiction

The Policies of the Association Elections shall apply to all Association elections. Elections Policies issued by individual legislative bodies shall apply to candidates, slates, and issues on which their respective populations are eligible to vote.

C. Times of Election

The timing of various elections shall be specified in the Policies of the Elections Commission, except as specified in the Constitution, these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, the Association Election Policies, or the Elections Policies of the relevant Association legislative bodies.

D. Calling of Elections

  1. Elections shall normally be held at the times and places, and in the manner specified, by the Constitution, these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, the Special Charge of the Commission, the Policies of the Association Elections, and the Elections Policies of relevant Association legislative bodies. If an election is not certified, then the relevant Association legislative bodies may call for an additional election to be held at the times and places specified in a Special Charge of the Commission. For the US, this shall require a 2/3 vote; the GSC procedure shall be specified in the GSC By-Laws or Policies.
  2. The relevant Association legislative bodies may, by a 2/3 vote, call additional elections for recalling officers, filling vacancies in offices, and approving ballot measures.
  3. The Elections Commissioner may call a runoff election. The relevant Association legislative bodies may overrule the calling of the runoff. For the US, this shall require a 2/3 vote; the GSC procedure shall be specified in the GSC By-Laws or Policies.

E. Special Charge of the Commission

Shall be the resolution(s) approved by the relevant Association legislative bodies calling for additional elections, specifying additional specific duties of the Commission, clarifying and interpreting the Constitution, these By-Laws, the Policies of the Association Elections, or the Elections Policies of the relevant Association legislative bodies for their benefit, and/or approving their actions or requests prior to an election.

F. Election Timetable

The details of the specification of the election timetable shall be included in the Association Elections Policies or the Elections Policies of the relevant Association legislative bodies.

G. Election Surcharge

Each Fee levied by the Association shall be charged a uniform percentage surcharge on the amount authorized for collection by the Association.

H. Election Budget

  1. All expenses incurred, and all income received, by the Commission shall be specified in the budget of the Commission.
  2. Expenses shall include, but need not be limited to, general administrative expenses, indirect cost recovery, salaries and wages of election officers, expenses of the Hearings Committee, general publicity, the Elections Handbook, polling, ballots, ballot counting, and a budget reserve.
  3. Income shall include, but need not be limited to, an Association allowance, a University allowance, and funds in the Elections Surcharge account. All unexpected income shall be credited to the budget reserve.
  4. The Commission may transfer funds from the budget reserve into any other expense category except Commission salaries, provided that prompt notice is given to the Association legislative bodies of all such transfers

Section 2: Elections Officers

A. General

  1. The members of the Elections Commission (hereafter “the Commission”) and the staff of the Commission shall be known as the election officers.
  2. No election officer may be hindered by any member or officer of the Association in any way in the performance of her/his duties.
  3. Election officers shall be compensated in the amount and manner specified in the budget of the Commission.
  4. The Commission shall operate under the oversight of the Executive Committee in devising and implementing the procedures for carrying out elections and other purely administrative matters. However, subject to the provisions of the Constitution, the Association By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, the Special Charge of the Commission, these Elections Policies, and the Elections Policies of the relevant

Association legislative bodies, the Commission shall exercise its independent judgment in:

  1. determining the eligibility of candidates, slates, sponsors, Special Fee requests, and ballot measures;
  2. the validity of nominating petitions;
  3. the design and implementation of all voting materials;
  4. in making all other substantive decisions.
    1. Interpretation of Elections Procedure

The relevant Association legislative bodies may overrule a decision of the Commission by a 2/3 vote. Should any ambiguities be found by the Elections Commission, they should be reported to the Association Legislative bodies for feedback.

jbl/v.1384942494.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/11/20 04:14 by assu-editor