Article IX: Service Organizations
Section 1. General
The ASSU has a commitment to improving the quality of student life by supporting both the academic and non-academic endeavors of its members. To better fulfill this commitment, the ASSU shall charter semi-autonomous organizations, hereafter referred to as Service Organizations.
A Service Organization must make its services available to all members of the population of the Association it serves, except as noted elsewhere.
A Service Organization may be funded by either General or Special Fees. Such Fees must be requested from the population of the Association that the Service Organization serves.
There shall be two types of Service Organization:
1. Service Projects, which are intended to be semi-autonomous student-run agencies,
subject to the oversight of the President of the Association and the relevant Association legislative bodies. The primary function of each shall be to support the student organizations, activities, and/or services specified in its charge, in the manner outlined in these By-Laws, the US By-Laws, and the GSC By-Laws.
2. Service Partnerships, which are intended to be agencies jointly run by students and non-students, subject to the oversight of the President of the Association and the Association legislative bodies. The primary function of each shall be to provide the service listed in its charge, in the manner outlined in these By-Laws, the US By- Laws, and the GSC By-Laws.
E. Authority
1. Service Organizations shall be created by a 2/3 vote of the relevant Association legislative bodies to fulfill a specific charge, which shall be listed in the relevant By- Laws. Only Service Organizations so listed shall be considered to have the authority and responsibilities described in this section.
2. Service Organizations shall be overseen by the President of the Association, or her/his designee. The President and Vice-President shall be ex-officio members of all Service Organization governing bodies.
3. Each Service Organization’s dealings with the relevant Association legislative bodies shall be coordinated in a manner described in the relevant By-Laws.
4. Each Service Organization shall be vested with the specific authority of the relevant Association legislative bodies to conduct, on behalf of the Association, all business within that Service Organization’s proper charge, and only such business, subject to the oversight of the relevant Association legislative bodies.
5. The relevant Association legislative bodies shall resolve all conflicts of jurisdiction between Service Organizations.
F. Meetings
1. Quorum for a Service Organization meeting shall consist of a majority of the voting membership. The voting membership of each Service Organization shall be specified in the relevant By-Laws.
2. Unless otherwise specified in the relevant By-Laws or the Service Organization’s Policies, all decisions of a Service Organization’s governing body shall be by a majority.
3. All members of the Association shall be allowed to attend any meeting of any Service Organization.
Section 2: Separate Service Projects and Organizations
Each Association legislative body shall have the separate power to create Service Projects and Organizations to serve needs of either the graduate or the undergraduate population alone. The procedures for doing so shall be specified in the respective By-Laws of the Association legislative bodies.
Section 3: Joint Service Projects
Joint Service Projects shall be created jointly by the Association legislative bodies to
serve some need to the Association population.
A Joint Service Project shall have the responsibility for providing the service described in its charge, which shall be listed in these By-Laws.
A Joint Service Project shall have primary budgetary authority for the execution of its charge, subject to the oversight of the Financial Manager and the President of the Association, and subject to constraints imposed by the Association legislative bodies.
In addition to the authority granted to a Service Project by virtue of section IX.1.E of these By-Laws, each Joint Service Project shall also be bound by the following provisions:
1. The Association legislative bodies may jointly revoke any action of a Service Project, subject to any legally binding contracts that the governing body of the Service Project may have entered into under the authority granted to it by the charge of that Service Project. The requirements for doing so shall be specified in the respective By-Laws of the Association legislative bodies.
2. The Association legislative bodies retain ultimate authority over, and responsibility for any action of, a Joint Service Project.
E. Officers and Governance
For the remainder of this Article, Joint Project Officer shall refer to either a Senior or Junior Officer of a Joint Service Project.
Unless otherwise specified, each Joint Project Officer shall have one vote in all decisions of the Joint Service Project to which s/he is appointed.
For the remainder of this Article, a Joint Project member shall be any individual who can vote on the governing body of that Project. Any such individuals who are not Joint Project Officers must be specified in the section of these By-Laws describing the Joint Service Project on whose governing body s/he would serve.
Restrictions on Joint Project Officers
Shall not, during her/his term of office, serve as an elected officer of the Association.
Shall not, at the time of her/his nomination and throughout her/his term of office, serve as an officer of an organization subject to the authority of that Joint Service Project.
Joint Service Project Officers’ Selection Committee
Henceforth, a Joint Service Project Officers’ Selection Committee shall be referred to as a JSPOSC.
There shall be one JSPOSC for each Joint Service Project, responsible for nominating the Senior Officers of that Joint Service Project.
Each JSPOSC shall consist of the following 5 voting members:
The President or Vice-President of the Association, who shall Chair the SPOSC and be responsible for ensuring that all SPOSC deadlines are met.
The US Liaison to the Project.
A GSC designee.
The Financial Manager, or her/his designee.
The current Director of the Project. If s/he is seeking reappointment, this position shall be filled by either the Vice-President (if the President is already serving on the JSPOSC) or the President (if the Vice-President is already serving on the JSPOSC).
A quorum for a JSPOSC meeting shall consist of 4 voting members.
Unless otherwise specified, all decisions of a JSPOSC shall be by consensus.
Each JSPOSC shall convene at least once before the end of Winter Quarter, or before the end of the quarter in which a vacancy on a Project occurs.
Each JSPOSC shall present its nomination(s) by the second regular meeting of each Association legislative body of Spring Quarter, or at any Association legislative body meeting within one month of when a vacancy on a Project occurs. At that time, the nomination(s) may be approved. The requirements for doing so shall be specified in the respective By-Laws of the Association legislative bodies.
For the purposes of the above JSPOSC deadlines, if a vacancy on a Project occurs at any point during the Summer Quarter, it shall be considered to have occurred at the start of the following Fall Quarter.
Senior Officers
Shall be nominated in Spring Quarter, or whenever there is a vacancy, by a JSPOSC and confirmed by the procedure specified in section IX.3.E.5 of these By-Laws.
Shall serve as an ex-officio Senior Officer during the quarter in which s/he is confirmed.
Shall have a term of office of one year, starting on the first day of the quarter following the quarter in which s/he is confirmed, or until a successor has been chosen.
May have her/his term of office extended or shortened by the Association legislative bodies. The requirements for doing so shall be specified in the respective By-Laws of the Association legislative bodies. The latter action shall be subject to the Usual Guidelines for the Untimely Removal of an Appointed Officer.
Under extraordinary circumstances, may be suspended by the President of the Association. This suspension shall last only until the first meeting of each Association legislative body at which the issue can be considered, at which time the each Association legislative body may act as it sees fit. If no action is taken, the Senior Officer shall be removed.
General Senior Officer Responsibilities
Shall submit a line-item budget to the Association legislative bodies by the deadline specified in these By-Laws. No funds may be expended or received by the Joint Service Project unless authorized in such a budget, unless otherwise specified in these By-Laws.
Shall maintain financial records for the Joint Service Project available for public scrutiny, in accordance with the Freedom of Information policies of the Constitution and these By-Laws.
Other duties shall be specified in the sections of these By-Laws listing the responsibilities specific to each type of Senior Officer, as well as the section of these By-Laws pertaining to each Joint Service Project.
Types of Senior Officers
Shall be responsible for ensuring the fulfillment of her/his Project’s charge.
Shall have responsibility for the actual management of her/his Project, including additional duties specified in the Policies of her/his Project.
Shall nominate the Junior Officers of her/his Project. Any such Junior Officers shall be listed in the section of these By-Laws discussing her/his Project.
Shall set the agenda of, call, and preside over all meetings of the governing body of her/his Project, and shall vote only in those cases where her/his vote would be decisive.
Shall be the primary spokesperson for her/his Project.
Shall ensure the enforcement of the Constitution, these By-Laws, Acts of the Association legislative bodies, and the Policies, Rules of Order, and Standing Rules of her/his Project.
Shall be responsible for maintaining and providing the Association legislative bodies, as well as the US Liaison Committee for her/his Project, with current copies of her/his Project’s Policies, Rules of Order, and Standing Rules by the end of Winter Quarter.
Failure to fulfill any of the above responsibilities shall be grounds for dismissal.
Deputy Director
Shall perform those duties delegated to her/him by the Director, as well as those stated in the section of these By-Laws describing her/his Project, and those stated in the Policies of her/his Project.
Shall perform the duties of the Director in the Director’s absence or if the Director has been suspended or removed and a successor has not yet been confirmed. In the event that a Deputy Director has not been appointed, the By-Laws specific to each Service Project shall state who shall fulfill these obligations.
Other Senior Officers: shall be listed in these By-Laws in the section describing the Project to which s/he is responsible, along with her/his duties.
Junior Officers
Unless otherwise specified, shall be nominated by the Joint Service Project Director and confirmed by the Association legislative bodies.
Shall be a provisional Junior Officer with all relevant powers subsequent to notification of the Association legislative bodies.
Shall serve until the end of the term of office of the Director who appointed her/him.
May be removed by the Director who appointed her/him, or by the Association legislative bodies, subject to the Usual Guidelines for the Untimely Removal of an Appointed Officer. The requirements for doing so shall be specified in the respective By-Laws of the Association legislative bodies.
Shall have those responsibilities listed in the section of these By-Laws discussing the Project to which s/he is appointed, as well as those listed in the Policies of her/his Project.
F. Service Project Policies and Standing Rules
Each Joint Service Project shall have a set of Policies (as defined by section I.8 of these By-Laws) and Standing Rules (as defined by section I.10 of these By-Laws).
The minimum content, if any, of each Joint Service Project’s Policies and Standing Rules shall be stipulated in the section of these By-Laws pertaining to each Project.
Section 4: Joint Service Partnerships
A. Authority
In addition to the authority granted to each Joint Service Partnership by virtue of section IX.1.E of these By-Laws, shall have whatever additional authority is specified in the section of these By-Laws discussing each Partnership.
B. Officers and Governance
Each Joint Service Partnership shall have the organizational structure assigned to it by the section of these By-Laws discussing that Partnership.
In the interests of avoiding a profusion of terminology, concepts and structures defined for Joint Service Projects in section IX.3 of these By-Laws may be borrowed when specifying the organizational structure of Joint Service Partnerships. In such cases, “Project” should be taken to be replaced by “Partnership” in the referenced concept or structure.
Section 5: Speakers Bureau
A. Definitions
For the remainder of this Section, the Speakers Bureau shall be referred to as the Bureau.
B. Charge
Shall be a Joint Service Project of the Association, as defined in section IX.3 of these By-Laws.
The Bureau shall have the sole authority to invite, on behalf of the entire Association, individuals to speak at Stanford.
The Bureau shall select speakers so as to promote intellectual, political, social, and cultural awareness of differing viewpoints in the Stanford community. On controversial issues, every attempt shall be made to provide a balanced presentation of speakers to the community, although this balance need not be present in each individual event.
C. Officers and Governance
The Senior Officers of the Bureau shall consist of:
The Director, who shall be chosen in accordance with section IX.3.E.6 of these By-Laws.
The Deputy Director, who shall be chosen in accordance with section IX.3.E.6 of these By-Laws.
There shall be three Junior Officers of the Bureau, known as Area Directors. Their exact authority and responsibilities shall be specified in the Policies of the Bureau.
In addition to the Joint Project Officers, the voting members of the Bureau shall also include volunteer members, whose number and method of selection and confirmation shall be specified in the Bureau Policies.
All decisions of the Bureau shall require the approval of a majority of the members present and voting, with the proviso that a majority of the Project Officers can veto any Bureau decision.
The ex-officio members of the Bureau shall consist of the President, the Vice-President, and the US Liaison, and a GSC designee.
The US Liaison Committee for the Bureau shall be specified in the US By-Laws.
D. Budget
The Association legislative bodies shall approve, reject, or modify the budget of the Bureau. The requirements for approval or modification shall be specified in the respective By-Laws of the Association legislative bodies.
The Bureau budget shall consist of the following parts:
The Operating Budget, which shall be used for the basic operating expenses of the Bureau, including, but not limited to, indirect cost recovery charges, payments to individuals/organizations for work done assisting the Bureau in the development of speaking programs.
The Discretionary Fund, which shall be allocated to specific programs and/or types of speaking expenses.
The Bureau may solicit funds from any source except from unrestricted funds of the Association (endowment, interest income, Business Project profit, indirect cost recovery charges), subject to the guidelines of the Association and the University. However, no funds may be accepted from non-VSO or non-Association entities and used by the Bureau unless mention of such funds is made in the budget. For other sources of funds, the Bureau shall be required to submit quarterly reports listing the funds received and used.
If an honorarium of 20% or more of the Discretionary Fund is to be paid to a speaker, prior approval of the Association legislative bodies is required before signing a contract or paying the speaker. If the Executive Committee determines that the Association legislative bodies cannot meet in a timely manner to consider a proposed honorarium, then the Executive Committee may act on behalf of the Association legislative bodies in approving such a proposal.
All events organized or financed, in whole or in part, by the Bureau shall be open to all members of the Association without charge, except those members of the Association who request a fee refund from the Bureau, who may be charged an admission fee. The Association legislative bodies, or the Executive Committee, may grant exceptions to this.
E. The Bureau Policies must contain at least the following:
A description of the powers and responsibilities of the Junior Officers of the Bureau.
A specification of the number of voting volunteer members, the procedure by which they are selected and confirmed, and a description of their powers and responsibilities.
Guidelines by which speakers are chosen.
Guidelines for co-sponsoring events with VSOs.
Section 6: Legal Counseling Office Policy Board
A. Definitions
For the remainder of this Section, the Legal Counseling Office Policy Board shall be referred to as the Policy Board.
The Legal Counseling Office shall be refereed to as the Office.
B. Charge
Shall be a Joint Service Partnership of the Association, as defined in section IX.4 of these By-Laws.
The Policy Board shall govern the functioning, and review the operations of, the Office.
Shall select the attorney or law firm to staff the Office and set the pay and hours of the attorney.
Shall promulgate and review from time to time both the policy guidelines and the clients the Office will handle.
Shall ensure the confidentiality of legal counseling that takes place between a client and attorney under the auspices of the mechanisms established by the Policy Board.
C. Officers
The voting members of the Policy Board shall consist of:
The President or Vice President of the Association, who shall chair the Policy Board. The chair may appoint another voting or ex-officio member to chair the Policy Board until he or she wishes to resume authority.
A member of the US, to be determined by the US.
A GSC designee, to be determined by the GSC.
One member of the Association who shall not be an elected member of the Association but who shall be a law student. This member shall be chosen by the procedure described in section IX.3.E.6 of these By-Laws.
One Law School faculty or staff member, who shall be appointed by the Dean of the Law School.
One member of the Palo Alto Bar Association, who shall be appointed by the President of the Palo Alto Bar Association.
The ex-officio members of the Policy Board shall consist of:
A representative of the Dean of Student Affairs Office.
The Financial Manager, or his/her designee.
The Office attorney, who shall not be present in matters relating to her/his firing and/or replacement, except as the Policy Board shall provide.
All newly-elected Policy Board members shall serve on the Policy Board effective immediately after their certification by the appropriate legislative bodies.,
Policy Board members shall have a term of office of one year, starting the quarter after the quarter in which they are confirmed, or until a successor takes office.
A Policy Board member may be removed by the agency appointing her/him. If the Policy Board member was appointed by the Association legislative bodies, her/his removal shall be subject to the Usual Guidelines for the Untimely Removal of an Appointed Officer.
A Policy Board member may be removed by a 2/3 vote of both Association legislative bodies upon the recommendation of either the Policy Board or the Executive Committee, subject to the Usual Guidelines for the Untimely Removal of an Appointed Officer.
D. Governance
Shall ensure the enforcement of the Constitution, these By-Laws, Acts of the Association legislative bodies, and the Policies, Rules of Order, and Standing Rules of the Policy Board.
Shall be the primary spokesperson for the Policy Board.
Shall set the agenda of, call, and preside over all meetings of the Policy Board, and shall vote only in those cases where her/his vote would be decisive.
Deputy Chair
Shall be a member of the Policy Board, nominated by the Chair and confirmed by the Policy Board.
May be removed at any time by the Chair, with the consent of the Policy Board.
Shall assist the Chair in the performance of her/his duties.
Shall perform the duties of the Chair in her/his absence.
The Policy Board shall meet at least quarterly during the academic year.
Proper notification of a meeting of the Policy Board shall require written notification of all members of the meeting time and place, at least 72 hours before the meeting.
Quorum for all meetings of the Policy Board shall be constituted by a majority of its voting members.
E. Office Budget
All disbursements shall be made in accordance with the budget of the Office as approved by the Policy Board.
The Office may solicit funds from any source, except from the unrestricted funds of the Association (endowment, interest income, Business Project profit, indirect cost recovery charges), subject to the guidelines of the Association and the University. However, no funds may be accepted and used by the Office unless mention of them is made in the approved budget of the Office.
The Policy Board shall approve the salaries of all staff members of the Office, including that of the attorneys.
F. Office Manager
The Office Manager shall be nominated by the Office Manager Selection Committee (hereafter referred to as the OMSC) and confirmed by a 2/3 vote of the Policy Board.
The OMSC shall consist of the following 5 members:
The President of the Association, who shall chair the OMSC.
The US Liaison to the Policy Board.
The GSC designee to the Policy Board.
The attorney, or representative of the law firm, staffing the Office.
The current Office Manager, who shall be an ex-officio member of the OMSC.
Quorum for an OMSC meeting shall consist of a majority of the voting membership.
Unless otherwise specified, all decisions of the OMSC shall be by majority.
The Office Manager shall serve until her/his resignation or removal by a 2/3 vote of the Policy Board.
G. Grievances
The Chair shall receive all complaints concerning the Office.
The Chair shall convene a meeting of the Grievance Subcommittee of the Policy Board (hereafter referred to as the Subcommittee), composed of the student members of the Policy Board, to consider those grievances the Chair deems require immediate action.
The Subcommittee shall report the disposition of each grievance reported to it to the Policy Board for ratification or disapproval at each regular meeting of the Policy Board.
The Chair shall report all other grievances to the Policy Board.
The decision of the Policy Board shall be conclusive unless shown to have been obviously contrary to the Policy Board’s guidelines.
All reports shall maintain the confidentiality of the client, except where the client wishes otherwise.
H. Interaction with the Association Legislative Bodies
In no case shall the Association legislative bodies interfere with the day-to-day operations of the Office, or violate any of the ethical guidelines for attorneys.
Legal counseling that takes place under the auspices of mechanisms established by the Policy Board must remain confidential between the client and attorney. All other records of the Office fall under the jurisdiction of the Freedom of Information policies of the Constitution and these By-Laws.
Section 7 : FLICKS Policy Board
A. Definitions
For the remainder of this Section, the FLICKS Policy Board shall be referred to as the Policy Board.
B. Charge
Shall be a Joint Service Project of the Association, as defined in section IX.3 of these By-Laws.
The Policy Board shall govern the functioning, and review the operations of, the FLICKS group.
Shall promulgate and review from time to time both the policy guidelines of the FLICKS group.
C. Officers
The voting members of the Policy Board shall consist of:
One member of the Undergraduate Senate
The President of the Association, who shall chair the Policy Board. In the absence of the President, the deputy chair shall govern.
The Vice President of the Association.
One representative from the Graduate Student Council.
The CEO of Stanford Student Enterprises or his designee.
The director of the FLICKS group.
All elected members of the Association legislative bodies shall serve as exofficio members of the FLICKS Policy Board.
Policy Board members shall have a term of office of one year, beginning immediately and ending when a successor takes office.
A Policy Board member may be removed by the agency appointing her/him. If the Policy Board member was appointed by the Association legislative bodies, her/his removal shall be subject to the Usual Guidelines for the Untimely Removal of an Appointed Officer.
A Policy Board member may be removed by a 2/3 vote of both Association legislative bodies upon the recommendation of either the Policy Board or the Executive Committee, subject to the Usual Guidelines for the Untimely Removal of an Appointed Officer.
D. Governance
Shall ensure the enforcement of the Constitution, these By-Laws, Acts of the Association legislative bodies, and the Policies, Rules of Order, and Standing Rules of the Policy Board.
Shall be the primary spokesperson for the Policy Board.
Shall set the agenda of, call, and preside over all meetings of the Policy Board, and shall vote only in those cases where her/his vote would be decisive.
Deputy Chair
Shall be a member of the Policy Board, nominated by the Chair and confirmed by the Policy Board.
May be removed at any time by the Chair, with the consent of the Policy Board.
Shall assist the Chair in the performance of her/his duties.
Shall perform the duties of the Chair in her/his absence.
The Policy Board shall meet at least quarterly during the academic year, or when the Chair deems necessary.
Proper notification of a meeting of the Policy Board shall require written notification of all members of the meeting time and place, at least 72 hours before the meeting.
E. Office Budget
All expenditures shall be approved by the Policy Board
The FLICKS group may solicit funds from any source, except from the unrestricted funds of the Association (endowment, interest income, Business Project profit, indirect cost recovery charges), subject to the guidelines of the Association and the University. However, no funds may be accepted and used by the FLICKS groups unless mention of them is made in the approved budget of the Policy Board.
The Policy Board shall meet at least once to specifically address the budget.
G. Grievances
The Chair shall receive all complaints concerning the FLICKS group.
The Chair shall convene a meeting of the Grievance Subcommittee of the Policy Board (hereafter referred to as the Subcommittee), composed of the student members of the Policy Board, to consider those grievances the Chair deems require immediate action.
The Subcommittee shall report the disposition of each grievance reported to it to the Policy Board for ratification or disapproval at each regular meeting of the Policy Board.
The Chair shall report all other grievances to the Policy Board.
The decision of the Policy Board shall be conclusive unless shown to have been obviously contrary to the Policy Board’s guidelines.
All reports shall maintain the confidentiality of the client, except where the client wishes otherwise.
Section 8: ASSU Student Service Division
A. Definitions
For the remainder of this Section, the ASSU Student Service Division shall be referred to as the Division.
B. Charge
The Division shall be a Joint Service Project of the Association, as defined in section IX.3 of these By-Laws that will oversee and organize services for students and provide a vehicle for students to engage in service towards the benefit and betterment of the Stanford community.
The Service Division is responsible for executing the operations of all not for profit services provided by the ASSU and not incorporated in their own Service Organization. All decisions made towards this end must be done in conformity with the policies and guidelines adopted by the Association.
C. Officers and Governance
The Senior Officers of the Division shall consist of:
The Director, who shall be chosen in accordance with section IX.3.E.6 of these By-Laws. Until the first Director of SSD is hired, the outgoing Vice-President ofthe Association will act as interim Executive Director of the Division.
The Director shall:
Set and hone the strategic vision for the Division.
Work with the Executive and the legislative bodies to develop services that fill a unique need in the Stanford community - .
Implement and manage services approved by the legislative bodies.
Appoint and prescribe the powers and duties, after consultation with and subject to the approval of the legislative bodies, of such other officers and employees of the Division, as the Director shall deem appropriate.
Act as the primary spokesperson for the Service Division
Exercise any authority granted to the Director under this Charter or otherwise delegated to the Director by the legislative bodies.
The Deputy Director, who shall be chosen in accordance with section IX.3.E.6 of these By-Laws.
The Deputy Director shall assist the Director in running the Division.
There shall be Junior Officers of the Division, known as Project Directors. Their exact authority and responsibilities shall be specified in the Policies of the Division.
The voting members of the Division shall include Project Directors, the Deputy Director and the Director of the Division.
All decisions of the Division shall require the approval of a majority of the members present and voting, with the proviso that a majority of the Project Directors can veto any Division decision.
The ex-officio members of the Division shall consist of the President, the Vice-President, and the US Liaison, and a GSC designee.
The US Liaison Committee for the Division shall be specified in the US By-Laws.
D. Budget
The Association legislative bodies shall approve, reject or modify the budget of the Division. The requirements for approval or modification shall be specified in the respective By-Laws of the Association legislative bodies.
The Division budget shall consist of the following parts:
The Operating Budget, which shall be used for the basic operating expenses of the Division including, but not limited to, indirect cost recovery charges, compensation to Division Project Officers and publicity.
The Discretionary Fund, which shall be allocated towards specific programs, any types of service expenses and start up capital to be used towards the development of new services.
The Division may solicit funds from any source except from unrestricted funds of the Association (endowment,interest income, Business Project profit, indirect cost recovery charges), subject to the guidelines of the Association and the University. However, no funds may be accepted from non-VSO or non-Association entities and used by the Division unless mention of such funds is made in the budget. For other sources of funds, the Division shall be required to submit quarterly reports listing the funds received and used.
E. The Division policies must contain at least the following:
A description of the powers and responsibilities of the Junior Officers of the Division.
A specification of the number of volunteer members, the procedure by which they are selected and confirmed, and a description of their powers and responsibilities.
Guidelines by which new services are developed.