Any interviews of applicants for any position must be conducted by at least 3 members of the Commission of which at least 2 must be voting members. Members of the Commission shall be paid a wage if specified in the Annual Budget for the time spent in interviews.
All nominations of individuals must be made during a meeting of the Commission at which a quorum of the Commission is present. No nominations shall be made without the affirmative vote of 4 voting members of the Commission.
The Commission shall give priority to those individuals seeking nominations based upon the following criteria:
Individuals demonstrating a willingness and ability to communicate to the Association their actions in the position.
Individuals demonstrating a willingness and ability to seek out from the Association information and opinion to guide them in the position.
Individuals demonstrating a willingness and ability to strongly advocate the interests of the members of the Association.
Individuals presently serving in that position, provided that they have served only one year.
The Commission shall make its nominations based upon additional requirements and criteria specified by the relevant Association legislative bodies when the body approves the schedule for the appointment processes of the Commission.
The Commission shall make its nominations based upon additional objective requirements and objective criteria formally specified by the authority appointing the committee. All new requirements and criteria for nominations must be noted in the Commission’s report to the Association legislative bodies before interviewing commences.
The Commission’s nominations shall not be influenced by any informal suggestions or recommendations (especially from the target committee or members thereof), except those made by members of the Commission.
No nomination shall be considered by an Association legislative body unless it was made available in writing to voting members of that body at least 48 hours before the commencement of the meeting at which it is to be considered.
A nomination of a member of the Association shall consist of her/his name, class, major (if an undergraduate) or department/school (if a graduate), student ID number, and additional information at the discretion of the Commission or at the request of the legislative bodies. All nominations that were made through the applicant pool for unadvertised positions, or through re-direction of an applicant to a committee other than the one to which s/he originally applied, shall be so indicated.
The Nominations Commission shall make its nominations available to the public prior to submitting them to relevant legislative bodies, however they shall not be in any way deemed official prior to the confirmation of the nomination.
Should the Commission determine that there are not qualified applicants for one or more committee openings, or if one of more of the Commission’s nominees are rejected by either Association legislative body, the Commission may decide to readvertise the committee opening(s), or to solicit applications from specific individuals or groups.