Article II: Graduate Student Council Organization
Section 1: Composition
A. Graduate Student Council Districts
Members of the GSC shall be elected from the following districts:
The School of Business: 1 member.
The School of Earth Sciences: 1 member.
The School of Education: 1 member.
The School of Engineering: 2 members, who must be from different departments.
The School of Humanities and Sciences, Humanities: 1 member.
The School of Humanities and Sciences, Natural Sciences: 1 member.
The School of Humanities and Sciences, Social Sciences: 1 member.
The School of Law: 1 member.
The School of Medicine: 1 member.
Members at-large, chosen from the entire graduate population: 5 members.
Although a member of the graduate population may seek election in both the at-large and a single non-at-large district simultaneously, s/he may only serve as an elected member from one.
Unless otherwise indicated by the candidate, a candidate for a non-at-large district shall also be a candidate in the at-large district.
Multiple GSC District Membership
Those members of the graduate program who have, at the time of the election, been admitted to degree programs administered by schools or departments in different districts shall have multiple district membership.
They shall be eligible to vote in elections in any one non-at-large district in which they qualify as a member, in addition to the vote(s) they are eligible to cast in the GSC at-large district.
They shall be eligible to seek election from any one non-at-large district in which they qualify as a member, in addition to being able to seek election in the GSC at-large district.
B. GSC elections
The Spring Quarter General Election shall be a GSC election. Members shall be chosen in this election for all seats.
There may be a GSC election during the fall quarter. This shall only occur if either the seats in 4 non-at-large GSC districts, or a total of 7 GSC seats in any districts, are vacant. Seats filled by appointed members shall not be considered vacant.
In a fall election, members shall only be chosen for vacant seats and seats in any district filled by appointed members.
If a non-at-large seat becomes vacant, an elected GSC member from the atlarge district who is also member of the vacant seat's district may be switched into that vacant seat. This shall not be considered an appointment.
C. Appointment of GSC members
Between elections, vacant seats on the GSC may be filled by a majority vote.
Appointees to vacant GSC seats must be members of the district to which the vacant seats corresponds.
Appointments to fill vacant seats shall last only until the next election.
D. Term of Office
After each GSC election, the old and new elected members of the GSC shall meet jointly until the second meeting after the GSC election results have been certified.
At the second meeting after the certification of the results of a GSC election, the new elected members of the GSC shall select a Chair. At that point, the term of office of the new elected members of the GSC shall be considered to have begun.
Voting members of the GSC whose term of office has expired shall be encouraged to continue participating in the GSC.
A voting member of the GSC shall not be considered to have taken office until s/he attends her/his first GSC meeting and accepts her/his election or appointment.
An elected member of the GSC shall serve until s/he vacates her/his seat, or until her/his successor takes office, whichever comes first.
An appointed member of the GSC shall serve until s/he vacates her/his seat, until her/his successor takes office, or until the appointment expires, whichever comes first.
E. Leaves of Absence
A voting member of the GSC may request a leave of absence for up to one quarter at a time.
A leave of absence may be approved at the discretion of the Chair of the GSC; this decision may be overridden by a majority vote.
A voting member on leave may appoint a replacement, who shall serve as a full voting member of the GSC until the end of the leave of absence.
GSC seats whose members are on a leave of absence, and which have not been filled by replacements, shall not be considered vacant, but shall also not count for the purpose of determining quorum.
F. Removal of Voting GSC Members
A voting member of the GSC shall be automatically suspended upon missing 6 GSC meetings without obtaining a leave of absence in any one 3-month interval.
A voting member of the GSC shall be automatically expelled upon failing to attend both of the two GSC meetings after the meeting at which s/he was suspended.
A voting member of the GSC may be removed by a 2/3 vote, provided that previous notice was given at the previous meeting. Grounds for removal shall include, but not be limited to, violations of University regulations.
Section 2: Officers
A. Chair
Shall call, set agendas for, and preside over all regular meetings of the GSC, unless s/he has designated another elected member of the GSC to perform these tasks.
Shall have secondary signing authority for the GSC accounts.
Shall serve as a representative of the GSC on the Executive Committee.
Must be an elected member of the GSC.
Shall be chosen by a majority vote.
May be removed by a 2/3 vote, provided that previous notice has been given.
Shall have those other duties specified in the Constitution, the Association By-Laws, and these By-Laws.
May be paid a salary, as specified in the operating budget.
B. Financial Officer
Shall have primary signing authority for the GSC accounts.
Shall be responsible for drafting the GSC budget and keeping track of GSC finances.
Shall serve as a representative of the GSC on the Executive Committee.
Must be an elected member of the GSC.
Shall be chosen by a majority vote.
May be removed by a 2/3 vote, provided that previous notice has been given.
Shall have those other duties specified in the Constitution, the Association By-Laws, and these By-Laws.
May be paid a salary, as specified in the operating budget.
C. Secretary
Shall be responsible for keeping accurate minutes of all GSC meetings, and making them publicly available.
Shall be appointed by the Chair of the GSC.
Shall maintain and make available current copies of the By-Laws and Policies of the GSC.
May be paid a salary, as specified in the operating budget.
D. Other
The GSC shall have the power to appoint other officers, with whatever requirements and duties are appropriate. Such other officers may be paid a salary, as specified in either the operating or programming budgets of the GSC.
Section 3: GSC Meetings
A. Meetings of the GSC shall be called by the Chair of the GSC or her/his designee, or by the President of the Association. The individual calling the meeting is responsible for ensuring that adequate public notice of the meeting is given.
B. The GSC shall meet at least once each week during the academic year, and at least once every other week during the Summer Quarter.
Section 4: GSC Committees
The GSC shall have the ability to create, by consensus, whatever committees are needed, with whatever structure and membership it deems appropriate to the task at hand.